Emmett started.

"Emmett Roman. Tengu vampire hybrid, no special powers"

Prince Odysseus eyes widened slightly and his head snapped to Arthur. "Hybrid, you say? I thought once turned you could only become a vampire and lose your natural designation."

Arthur chuckled,chest puffing up a little after the past few weeks as he said with pride. "Yes Ody, Presh's clan members are all hybrids, myself included."

The Prince stared at Arthur. "You mean you're still an Elf" Arthur nodded,smiling. "Fascinating, this is quite shocking, it finally worked but this is makes the situation even more perilous,"

Seriously! Come on.

"Persephone is the only vampire alive with the ability to do this,court is going to be even more possessive of her,even if they dislike her,"

They don't like her?

"Which means,you'll all have to become stronger than initially planned because the court won't tolerate weak hybrids and will probably kill you off then force her to make new ones" He continued.

"Sorry." I said timidly, raising my hand up. "I have a question."

Prince Odysseus looked at me, his eyes holding so much intensity that I instantly regretted saying anything. "Go ahead."

"Um...why would they be possessive of someone they don't like? Don't you have to like or treasure something to be possessive or protective of it?" I asked.

"What's your name and how long have you been a clan member?" Prince Odysseus asked instead of answering my questions.

"Chelsea Andres and I just joined about a month ago, sir"

"Hmm I see,well Chelsea, you vampires are very complicated creatures, vampires don't need to particularly like or hate something to be possessive of it, as long as they consider that thing theirs  it becomes their treasure, whether they consider it like lets say, MY child,MY friend, MY enemies,in fact even MY spoon,they are extremely possessive of it,even if they will maltreat things they don't like. As long as it is considered as their things,they protect it fiercely.

"So the only reason they do not consider you as theirs even though you're members of Persephone's clan, is because you're not yet members of their circle or court, meaning you do not identify with them,so even though you are vampires which makes them possessive of you by default, it's not enough for them to keep you alive, especially if you're a threat to one of their own's safety."


"You make it seem as though it's only vampires that are like that" Arthur said laughing before he addressed. "Almost all supernatural are like that,we've lived to long to not treasure anything that stays with us so yeah,sorry"

The others nodded their heads in agreement.

Prince Odysseus clapped his hands. "Alright back to business we've gone off track,finish your introduction so I know what you need. Starting with you Chelsea, what are you? I can't really tell"

"I'm a hybrid as well,Presh told me I'm a human and siren mix, not a vampire though."

Prince Odysseus eyes widened again as he snapped his head towards Arthur again, making Arthur laugh,his face finally relaxing as mirth showed on his face.

"She's not a vampire Achilles! And she is part of your VAMPIRE clan,that monster that makes your bonds allowed this" Prince Odysseus sighed. "Why am I even surprised, that brat has been doing the impossible since before she was born,of course she'd make that demon like her enough to do this. Continue."

The twins introduced themselves the same way Emmett did and then Amanda did.

"Amanda Edet, witch vampire hybrid."

Before she finished talking Prince Odysseus let out a deep groan, clearly frustrated.

"That damn brat did not only not tell me  that she was bringing hybrids to me but they were also magical hybrids. Fuck I'm going to have to take extra precautions now to ensure my father doesn't find out about this"

It was Arthur's turn for his eyes to widen comically. "Wait back up a minute! You're saying your father, the King of all the bloody Dragons doesn't know we're here!"

Odysseus nodded, "Hmm yeah."

"Are you out of your mind?! Why‐‐"Prince Odysseus cut Arthur or rather Achilles off before he could rant

"Because..."He stressed, "if he knew, the moment you arrived here,you'd have been taken to Iranten immediately,you know my father and your King are very close friends. Not to mention my father is also furious with you two." He finished sounding exasperated.

"Furious? But Why?" Achilles asked seeming genuinely confused.

"You idiots." The Prince sighed." You don't even know how many allies you had. Before you twats ran off,my father and your King were planning on sending you both to my father's Palace to stay with him until..." He looked towards us. "...until the....incident...was resolved but you kids not only ran off,but you went completely off the gird instead of coming to us,you hurt a lot of people Arch."

"We didn't know Ody, you know how....awful it was,you have to understand." Achilles said looking remorseful.

"I do,so do the others,which is why we're here,even though you still have some bridges to mend." Prince Odysseus said not unkindly. "Also, did you forget where you are, my Kingdom of Fire in the skies, we're directly in the sky above where? Hmm."

Achilles spoke breathlessly as realization struck him.



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