Lisa thought Tzuyu's abnormalities the past two days and walked over to call her. "Tzuyu".

Tzuyu replied in annoyance. "What?"

After measuring her for some time, Lisa suddenly asked, "Are you secretly in love with me?"

Tzuyu almost smashed the water bottle onto Lisa's face.

"You lunatic". Tzuyu said.

Lisa felt that Tzuyu was a very poor thing. She did not know how to scold people and could only recycle the same few phrases again and again.

It was not clear what Tzuyu was thinking about but her eyes reflected a trace of guilt. Holding her bottle, she left hurriedly. Lisa stood where she was and declared to the leaving figure, "I'm straight, as straight as a pencil!"

Somewhere from the corridor came Tzuyu's enraged roar. "Go to hell!"

Lisa shrugged and sat on the bench to browse her phone after changing. She discovered a new message.

Yeonjun: "Congratulations".

Lisa: "Thanks. I haven't congratulated you for your outstanding results in your competition yet....when are you coming back?"

Yeonjun: "I've entered the national team. Won't be going back for now".

Lisa: "Oh. Congratulations".


There seemed to be a barrier between the two of the. Polite and restrained, they were careful in their exchange. Lisa felt a little unaccustomed to this. They had only been separated for a short while....Lisa clutched her phone and gave faint sigh.

Here was another person wandering away from her.

Lisa suddenly thought of Jungkook. So what was he? Someone who wandered off? Someone who wandered off for a long time but returned?



After the Ascendance Cup, Lisa and the rest transitioned rapidly into training mode. Most students had already begun winter vacation and the entire campus was like a ghost town. Going out at night came with a special kind of atmosphere the kind of atmosphere found in horror movies.

Jimin and Chaeyoung had both returned home and Yeonjun was not around as well. Within a short frame of time, Lisa was left all by her lonesome self. This was especially apparent at night when she was alone in her dorm. She kept feeling that there was something behind her and would jump from fright at every slight noise.

The first night, she did not dare to turn off the lights. She lay in bed till 11 pm but was still unable to fall asleep. Finally, she browsed through her contact list and tried to find someone to chat with.

Jimin was afraid of ghosts, Chaeyoung was afraid of ghosts, her dad and mom....Forget it, best to not let them worry....

She scrolled and scrolled, and the most suitable person turned out to be Jungkook.

Lisa was still quiet hesitant. Eventually, between the decision of "Saving her face" and "Saving her life", she decided to press the call invitation button.


"Mm, Jungkook...."

"Yes, it's me. What's wrong?"

"Cough" Lisa was a little embarrassed and said in a small voice, "I think your Yang energy should be quite strong, right?"

Jungkook replied, "What do you mean? Are you trying to....replenish Yang with Yin?"

"Ah? Cough, cough, cough, cough...." Lisa was overwhelmed by a wave of embarrassment. "No, I'm just asking casually".

Unexpectedly, Jungkook started chuckling. His low and pleasant laughter was carried over the phone into her ears. The room was very quiet, so quiet that it was only filled with his laughter.

Jungkook remembered when they were young, there was once when their classmates discussed a horror movie that was popular at that time. Lisa claimed to have watch it but when others began discussing the ghosts in the movie, Lisa's expression was braced as if she was about to face a great enemy.

Huh, so this brat was scared of ghosts....

Lisa could sense from Jungkook's laughter that she had been seen through. Her face heated up uncontrollably and she tugged her blanket up over her head, trying to pretend that nothing was wrong.

Jungkook was finally done with laughing but he did not expose her. He only asked, "How was today's training?"

"Eh, still alright. These few days focus was on trailing and I've learnt numerous new techniques that I need to digest". After reporting everything in detail, she began rambling about mundane matters, she bulk of which was her scoffing about Tzuyu. She even swore very seriously that Tzuyu was secretly in love with her.

Jungkook felt that this world cannot be more bleak. Even girls were trying to steal his person away.

After finishing her story, Lisa asked Jungkook about his day. Jungkook's train of thoughts had been disrupted by Tzuyu and he merely gave a half-hearted reply. This made Lisa feel that Jungkook did not want to entertain her. She said, "That's about it. You can head to bed if you want".

Jungkook said, "Let me tell you a bedtime story".


Jungkook turned on his laptop and searched for a bedtime story. He selected one casually and began reading it out loud to her.

It was a fairytale starring a little pig and a little fog and was suitable for children aged three to six. After listening to it for a while, Lisa griped, "Jungkook, are you taking me for a retard?"

Jungkook grinned. "Stop interrupting".

Fine, retard it shall be.

Jungkook continued narrating the story of the little pig and the little frog. His voice was low and unhurried, and sounded so gentle and exquisite that it was about to melt into the endless night. With it by her ears, Lisa's body began to relax slowly. She felt that voice drift further and further away....

The moment right before she fell asleep, there was only one thought left in her head: He has a really pleasant voice....

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