Start from the beginning

When they were out, they saw Xcerox, Miulwess, Gizelis and Rispetos also got out from the other door.

“What’s over your side?” Ashla asked them.

“Prison,” Gizelis answered her.

“I wonder why such a place existed here under the mansion.” Nish was curious.

“Perhaps this place will be very useful in the future. What if we found some criminals and wanted to interrogate them secretly? We can put them here.” Miulwess answered with deep thought.

“And that will be the reason this place exists. Let’s go out. Since Zeliker and Silvert are not here, let’s wait for them.” Xcerox moved to the stairs.

The dark hall was the last section in the mansion and there was nothing else for them to check.

As for Zeliker and Silvert who had reached a small village, they were resting in their rented room. Zeliker was closing his eyes when they snapped open suddenly. A smirk slowly manifested on his lips.

“It seems Xcerox and the others are worried about us, Zeliker,” Silvert told while sitting on his bed beside him.

Both of them can feel anything happening inside the mansion because they have put their powers inside, including their friend's presence.

“Yeah, let’s meet them. I don’t want them to think I am leaving now when I am supposed to leave tomorrow morning.” Zeliker replied and stood up from his bed.

Silvert stared at him for a while.

“What?” Zeliker asked.

“If I’m not mistaken, you have promised Stiria and others to leave after the party next month.”

“I changed my mind. And we will still be at the party. So, they don’t need to worry about it.”


“As for going to the Shildia Kingdom…”

“No! We’re not going there yet! You have promised me to go to the Miko Kingdom first and we will go there after the party!” Silvert cut in with enraged eyes.

After hearing Zeliker wished to go to the Shildia Kingdom immediately instead of Miko Kingdom, Silvert was horrified and he scolded Zeliker angrily. It was the first time for Silvert to raise his voice at Zeliker and the latter was dumbfounded.

Zeliker wondered why Silvert was mad and then was reminded that his eldest royal brother was killed by Shildia's calculated move. Silvert didn't want the same thing to happen to Zeliker and made Zeliker promise him he would not step there until they felt it was safe.

No, he would investigate first before letting Zeliker go there. He would not allow any danger to come at his prince. Moreover, Shildia Kingdom was all demons’ nemesis including Nekruis. Thinking about it, he felt strange for Nekruis not destroying the entire Shildia Kingdom after knowing the crown prince was killed and only destroying several cities at that time.

Nekruis has great power and abilities to eliminate a kingdom but he didn’t do it. Could it be that the crown prince was not favoured by him? Unfortunately, Silvert has no answer to it.

“Okay…” Facing the angry Silvert, Zeliker slowly lowered his voice and agreed.

He knew Silvert was very concerned for him and it made him feel a little happy inside but he was annoyed because he was unable to reach his goal. Since he knew his feelings for Stiria, he wanted to change her fate and break the engagement. However, after thinking again, his decision was too drastic. He needs a careful plan first.

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