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"I am Bekura Weger. It's a pleasure to meet the demon prince from Flink. I also thank you for your help towards our people."

The lady with the red hair said while putting her left hand to her chest and then bowed slightly at Zeliker. She was not scared of Zeliker.

Zeliker felt that Bekura had an aura almost on paired with Silvert but her brother wasn't. This was probably because she was a mature female demon that had seen a lot more than them. He nodded to her and Dian.

"Lead us to Riseptos," Xcerox ordered them.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Dian had to follow her sister inside again. He shuddered when he looked at his colleagues who eyed him like an experiment rat. They still have a lot to use on him. However, they couldn't capture him in front of their royals.

Such sadness and pity were shown in their eyes. Dian growled angrily at them and they scattered away in laughter.

I'm not your subject to use... Every. Single. Damn. Day!

Zeliker and his groups look at him amusedly. So, Dian was supposedly used as his sister's subject. That information was new to Zeliker and Silvert. They never thought demons would help in building the technologies.

They arrive at a hall with a thick glass room in front of them. The room was one of the experiment chambers. Inside, they saw an unconscious Riseptos, lying on a steel bed with some people touching and putting some tools on the collar.

Zeliker and his group watch from outside the glass. Stiria put her hand on the glass. Her eyes show worry because she can see the collar was complicated. This was the first time she saw that type of collar.

Bekura and Dian's expressions already turned grim.

"The collar on him is too hard to break. Even our strongest diamond knife couldn't scratch it. I guess those enemies have used an unknown material to build it, your highness." Bekura explained.

Zeliker and Silvert eyes widened. They never heard a material stronger than diamond. These things were too powerful. If it were made into a weapon, the world would be in jeopardy.

"It might be made from the meteorite that was found twenty years ago..." Stiria said slowly.

Their eyes turn to her.

"It might not be it either but I can only think of such material."

Bekura nodded. "I agree. That meteorite was the hardest material we ever found. And until today, it can never be damaged or melted. Just like... Eleise."

Zeliker and Silvert eyes narrowed. Nekruis have Eleise but where did it come from was unknown. Now that they thought about it, could Nekruis also hold this material?

It was not impossible since Nekruis was the most powerful demon ever lived. It was just that he was not interested in claiming more lands. That put humans at ease... A bit.

"Miss Bekura, we still haven't found the line to depart it. Could it be some kind of magic tool or something?" A man walks out of the experiment room from the door on the left side of the glass.

"Magic tool?!"

Zeliker and his group were shocked.

"It might be. Why didn't I think of it?"

Bekura slapped her forehead before she walks in. She put her hand on the collar and feel it with her sense. A moment later, she nodded at them.

"It's a magic tool." She mouthed to them because the experiment room also was soundproof.

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