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Gizelis rubs his neck. He looks embarrassed about something. Such appearance confused Zeliker more. He thought he would see the realm of death where other dead people gathered. Gizelis had a chance to do it. So why?

"Why didn’t you kill me?" He asked again with a deep stare.

"Erm... Because you saved my life a few years back..."

"You're joking. Save you? Heh, I didn't save you. I just have enough playing with you." Zeliker's eyes went to the left when he said it.

Gizelis stared at his reaction.

What an obvious lie.

He thought with a smirk on his lips.

"Oh, really then? Well, whatever. Now that you're awake I have to bring you to our king. Oh yeah. I need to remind you that you can't use your power, breach the collar or hurt anyone," he told Zeliker about the collar order.

Does that mean I can run away?

Zeliker's eyes lit up.

"No running away either..." Gizelis laughed at Zeliker's hopeful look.

Zeliker rolled his eyes. He already knows that.

How can life be so simple? He sighed.

There's no way he can get away from here if he wears the collar in the first place. Plus, he didn't know how to get back to Flink without finding information around here.

Meeting the king... Which king was it? This place doesn't seem to have clues where he was at.

"Sorry, it had to be done. If not, you'll hurt us. We're taking caution on you right now."

Gizelis raised his hand up as he went into his house for a few minutes. The deer's meat was brought along to be kept in the freezer. He returned after washing his body off all the deer's blood and changing his cloth to silver armour.

He also shows off his shiny armour towards Zeliker. Zeliker rolled his eyes again.

Well, at least Gizelis finally got his wish to meet him again by becoming a soldier. But inside his hidden mind, he hopes Gizelis didn't do that. It was dangerous and he thought Gizelis was also an idiot for coming after him.

What a waste of energy for saving this stupid kid.

He sighs heavily. Can't he just lay low and stay away?

To not make Gizelis notice anything, he spoke, "You feel like you won a medal for being able to capture me, don't you?"

Gizelis shrugged before he grins. "Now, follow me, Zeliker."

Zeliker found Gizelis's anger with him was gone. He felt weird about why Gizelis had a change of attitude toward him.

Didn't Gizelis hate him?

He won't ask though. He was too lazy right now. Probably because of the calm surroundings.

They walk out of the house area and into a ready carriage. The carriage looked kind of noble to him. He faced Gizelis who readied the horse.

When did he prepare this? Won't everyone notice and get curious about someone inside?

"Don't worry. The carriage will start to be invisible the moment we start our journey."

Zeliker went inside without saying anything. Just like the outside, the inside also looks grand. The seat was made of a soft red cushion and the window curtain was made of high-quality silk. Zeliker chooses to close the curtains. It still has some light showing his surroundings.

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