"Briella Sloanne?" My teacher, Mr. Stevenson, called out. I raised my hand, and once again everyone turned to look at me. Mr. Stevenson motioned for me to go over to him, so I stood up and followed him into the hallway.

"What?" I asked, getting worried.

"You're needed in Mrs. Lamberti's office." He said, "You should bring your stuff, you'll probably be there for a while." He gave me an apologetic smile, and then followed me back into the classroom, and wrote me a pass to go down to the Principal's office.

I grabbed my stuff from my desk in the back, and took the pass from him. The hallways are the worst part of the day. No matter if it's during passing or not, you always get things thrown at you, and slammed into the walls, and shoved to the ground- well, if you're me at least. As I walked down to the principal's office though, it was different. The halls were eerily empty, no hall monitors even. I thought it was strange, but I kept going. Tori had probably already snitched on me to Mrs. Lamberti- Even though it wasn't totally my fault.

But when I got down to the main lobby, I spotted at least 3 police cars outside the building. Surprise surpeise, Tori was waiting to snitch on me when I got there- but that stopped concerning me at that point. My gut sank as I saw the police officers, the guidance councelor, and Mrs. Lamberti all having a seemingly intense discussion in the conference room.

The secretary was ignoring Tori's complaining, but still looked up when I entered the office. She immediately stood up and escorted me into the conference room. Tori gave me her infamous death glare as I walked into the room. All the adults stopped talking and looked up as I entered the room. And as I looked around I spotted my social worker, Ms. Harrison was also there. This could not be good.

Tori was screaming when the door shut, but I wasn't concerned with her anymore. Ms. Harrison escorted me to one of the chair's and then took the seat next to me. Mrs. Lamberti took her chair at the head of the table, and the guidance counselor, Mr. Sienna, took the seat across from Ms. Harrison. One of the Officers took the seat across from me, with a lawyer nect to him, the other two officers sat at the opposite end of the table, and the remaining two stood on opposite sides of the door.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Briella," Ms. Harrison began, "I am so so sorry... but the Larson's-"

"They sent me back, didn't they?" I interrupted, I've been sent back so many times now I have the whole speech memorized now.

Ms. Harrison lowered her head and nodded, not making eye contact. I'm not surprised. No one wants the British orphan who has no friends and a dozen different health conditions. Most of the foster parents were only in it for the money. The only good family I had had to send me back because their house flooded and they couldn't afford my medicine and rebuild their whole house.

But Mr. Sienna of course decided this was the best moment to speak up, saying "Briella, you haven't had one stable family, or one willing to keep you, since you were placed in the foster system. And with your mental and physical health conditions, I'm worried you won't be able to live outside of a hospital for much longer."

"Okay... then find me a new home." I told him.

"It's not that simple." He told me, "The families also have to agree to house you in the first place, and then decide if they want to continue housing you, or if you can adjust to living with that family."

The phone on the table rang, and Mrs. Lamberti quickly answered and made a strange expression when she lsitened to whomever was on the other end.

"Briella, did you shatter a light bulb in the locker room?" She asked me.

"Ummm... yeah..." I said quietly.

"Did the shattered glass slice open Tori Gardner's forehead?" She asked, sounding slightly impressed.

"Ummm... maybe..." I answered, sinking down in my seat.

"You're not from the United States." The lawyer across from me said, very matter-of-factly, interrupting Mrs. Lamberti in the process. "And with your foster record, there's not a lot else we can do for you."

"What does that mean?" I asked him, tears forming in my eyes- half knowing what was about to happen. I looked around the room and spotted a garbage bag of all of my stuff, shoved in a corner, half hidden by a plant.

Ms. Harrison handed me a box of tissue's and rubbed my back, as the lawyer said by far the most devastating words of my life, surpassing the news of my parents death:

"Briella Sloanne, you are being deported back to the United Kingdom."


Author's Note:

Hey, everyone!! I'm so excited to start this new book!! If you haven't already go check out my first book, Honor Without Glory.

I know what you're all going to say, that this is a 1D book, and there was nothing related to 1D in this chapter, and I promise there will be soon! But I need things to pan out in a specific way before I can get to the part where they come in. I swear it will happen though!


What did y'all think of the chapter? I honestly didn't plan on deporting Briella in the first chapter, and I did plan on you guys meeting other characters, but I guess it'll have to wait haha.

If you guys have any questions, comments, suggestions, PLEASE comment, I would LOVE to hear what you guys have to say!

Love ya <3 :)

Midnight Memories (1D)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz