Where is eddie?!?

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I get up. I'm wearing my bathing suit from earlier today. It's 8:30. "Eddie?!?" wheres eddie im wondering. I look for him around his trailer. "Wayne? eddie? Is anyone home.." I'm saying while walking around. I look outside. Nobody. I see max feed her dog. So I ran up to her. "Max! max!! do u know where Eddie is?" i say while running towards her. " oh I seen him and his uncle leave the house around 7:30 with some clothes." Max says while getting up. "Oh.. okay." "Ill go now." I say while walking away. I go to his trailer and look around to see if they left any notes. I go into the bathroom and take my meds for the day. I still didn't find a note. I'm kinda getting worried so I get dressed and grab Eddie's keys. I hop into his van because they left in Wayne's car. I'm driving around town looking for Eddie or atleast a sign of him being somewhere. I looked everywhere. Even places he hates. I checked the woods and EVERYWHERE. So I go home. At this point I'm ripping my hair out cuz of how stressed I am. I notice nobody is home still. So I get out of the van and walk to the trailer I sit on the porch thingy on his trailer. I just sit and wait for hours. So I decided to go inside. Still, nobody is home.
I decided to wait in Eddie's room. I'm sitting on the edge of his bed. I sit there for awhile. It's around 2:30 now. I hear the door open. I run out of Eddie's room. I see Eddie. I give him a huge hug. "Wtf where were u !?!!" i say while hugging him.  "I'm sorry I should've told u." he says while hugging me back. "Tell me what?!" i say. " that my uncle had to go on a work trip and that I would be gone for a bit because I drove him to the airport."  He says. "Jesus fuck I thought u two died. I literally was pulling out my hair due to how stressed I was." I say. "Im sorry!! ill make it up to u, let me make u some dinner." He says while letting go of me. "Okay but I'm still going to hug u for a bit longer." I say while hugging him tighter.  "Okay" he says while giving a bit of a chuckle. After a few more seconds I let go and he starts to make some dinner.  I sit down on the counter and he's making some ravioli. After about an hour later Eddie is done making dinner. He sets the table and I get off of the counter. Me and him sit down at the table. "Hang on Ima play some music!" he says while getting a speaker and plays "master of puppets by Metallica" we start eating. "Holy shit Eddie this is amazing." I say while taking another bite. "Thanks honey." He says with a smile that warms my entire body up.
•we finsh eating•
I'm doing the dishes and Eddie come behind me. He grabs my waist and gives me a kiss on the cheekbone. He sets his head on my shoulder while he's still behind me. I finshed washing the dishes and I turn around. I give Eddie a kiss. He gives me a kiss. I say "Ima go get ready for bed." Eddie replys with "okay baby." I walk into our room. I get dressed into some shorts and his hellfire shirt. I walk out of his room and see Eddie is in the bathroom taking a shower. So I just walk to the living room. I see Eddie?!?
"Eddie I thought u were in the shower.." I say confused. "Huh?" Eddie says. "There's someone in the bathroom." I said worried. "Lemme go see" he says while grabbing a bat. He walks to the bathroom and sees nothing. "Baby, nothings here." He says. "Huh I could've sworn that there- there was somebody I-in there." I say and the brick of tears. "Honey u look sick.. how about we get to bed." He says while walking me to his room. "B-but someone" I say before getting cut off. "Come on let's cuddle and watch a movie?" He says while laying down in his bed. I lay down. I swear something was there. Maybe I hallucinated it? But still. Me and him cuddle for awhile. I decided to fall asleep because it had been a long day and I'm going insane.
•Eddie's pov•
She fell asleep on me. I decided to turn the tv off. I mess with her hair. I'm still confused if she saw anything. Or maybe she's just tired. I fall asleep not to long afterwards.

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