The re-meet-up. TW

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                     THIS WILL BE IN Y/NS POV
im barely making it through class. im so tired. like soooooooo tired. and its only 10:11 am.

-the bell rings for lunch- finally *mumbles*. As im walking to the tree where i eat lunch every day i bump into someone. "Ah!" i exclaim. "Omg, im so
sorry! i didn't mean to bump into you" i state as i start to look up at... Eddie munson?
"No No don't worry! are u okay?" he says in a quiet but calm voice.

"what do u mean am i okay?" i question.  "well u look awfully tired." he says worried.   "OHHH yeah im knida tired." at this point the two of u are walking outside. "so where are we going?" he asked. " huh?" then i relized we were outside. "OMG i am sorry i didnt notice we were outside.." i start feeling bad. then he says this " how about we skip classes today, i get u some lunch, then u can either go home and sleep or u can chill at my house. Up to u." he has this adorable smile on his face so i couldn't say no. " sure, you know.. it feels like ive known u forever." i say sheepishly. "well tecnically you have..." he says peacfully. "What?.." i say confused. " i ment u a few years ago we were best friends until ur parents started getting a bad rep from me so they made u stop being friends with me."  "OMG EDDIE" i turn and give him a hug that lasts for what felt like forever.

-the two of you are walking back from surfer boys pizza.-
"y/n.. so do u wanna hang out my house tonight or do u wanna go home?" he asks sheepishly. "Do u think i could.. stay at ur house for the weekend? my parents-" he cuts u off " yes u can stay as long as u would like or need." he said this with a smile. 'Thanks. My house is down the block can i grab some clothes on the way there?" "Ofc lets go there now." he picks u up and give u a piggie back ride to ur house. i hop off of his back when he gets at my house. "ill be a second." i run inside. MOM IM NOT COMING BACK FOR THE WEEKEND! "IDGAF NEVER COME BACK" my mom says drunkly. i run to my room get all of my clothes and pretty much every thing i have and put it in a travel bag. I dont have much clothes or anything so i pack everything. i run downstairs as my mom and dad are screaming at eachother. I trip and fall while trying to get my extra pair of convers. I run out of the door without shutting it. my knees are gushing blood because i fell on a smashed bottle of beer that my mom hit over my dads head. "Y/N?? ARE U OKAY??" eddie screams. " im fine . we need to get out of here. wheres ur house at?"

eddie munsons forever.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant