"Oh shit."TW

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I wake up feeling like shit 'again'. My head is pounding, I feel like I'm being stabbed a hundred times all over, and I feel, gross.
I walk to the bathroom and was about to take my meds, then I felt it. I ran to the toilet and puked. Eddie comes in the bathroom and notices me. "Oh shit baby, let's get u cleaned up." He cleans my face and looks in my eyes. "Do u wanna stay home?" He asks me. "Im fine, really. Plus it's the second day of school." I get up take my meds and go to Eddie's room to get dressed. I wore this

 I walks out of his room and get a dizzy spell

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I walks out of his room and get a dizzy spell. I quickly get up and make sure eddie didn't see. I walk over to the kitchen and grab a apple. I eat like half of it and relize I'm not hungry. I get my bags packed and yell for Eddie "come on!! were going to be late." He says "okay!!" he runs out of his room grabs his bag and his lunchbox and we walk out of the door.
We both get into the van and he starts to drive to school. "Are u sure ur okay?" He asks quickly. "Yup!" I say with a 'smile' "okay we're here!" he says while getting out. I get out and we hold hands while walking to the entrance. We head to our first class. Gym. I hope we don't have to run cuz I'll probably puke. "Okay class we are going to do running and dodgeball today." The gym teacher says. We all start running. I am trying to go very slowly so me and Eddie stay together. Also so I don't puke everywhere. "Honey normally ur a few laps ahead of me but today ur a bit behind is everything okay?" He asks while we're running laps. "Yup I'm good!" i say back.
•gym class ends•
Welp that was rough next class is science.
Me and Eddie walk to class together and sit next to each other. I sit down in class and the teacher says "okay today we will be cutting open frogs!" the teacher says. "Oh shit.." I whisper so nobody can here me. I felt like I was going to throw up. I hate this. I put my head down and try to skip out on the frog thing. "Y/n heres u frog." The teacher hands me and the rest of the class a frog that's dead.
"Miss may I use the bathroom?" I ask. "Yes be quick. I run out of class and right into the bathroom. I run into a stall and throw up. "Yn?" Shit shit shit it's Eddie. I'm throwing up and feel like Ima pass out. "He knocks on my stall. "Hang on.." I say while crying because I hate throwing up. I can't stop throwing up. "I'm coming in y/n." Eddie says while sliding underneath the stall. "Eddie no! Shit." I say as he stands up in the stall. "Honey I thought u were okay?" he says while holding my hair back as I'm still throwing up. After about 20min and I feel like I've thrown up my whole stomach I tell him " I am trust me." He says "u just threw up for the past 20mins I really don't think ur fine. I'm bringing u to the hospital." I say "but-" "nope ur going!" he helps me up and I feel really dizzy now. "Eddie hang on." I say while stopping him from walking out of the bathroom. "Yes?" he asks. "Just wait." I say while feeling faint. I get even more dizzy and relize I'm about to faint. I sit on the ground and Eddie kneels next to me. "Eddie I'm about to pass out don't freak just bring me to the hospital and go from-" I start slurring my words knowing I'm going to faint. So I lay my head back on the wall.
It all went black.
"Oh shit." He picks me up and does what I said.
He bring me to the hospital and tells them what happened recently.
They did many tests while I was passed out and they realized that they did my surgery wrong and didn't stitch it up correctly, so I was bleeding from my stomach internally. They brought me to a 6hour surgery.
•Eddie's pov•
I'm waiting In the waiting room. My leg won't stop bouncing. I'm worried. I told Wayne already. It's only been a hour. I decided I'd just do some of my homework because I was bored. I decided to do y/ns too besides math. I finshed all our homework for the week and relizes it's been 2hours. I have 3 more hours. I decided to just fall asleep for a bit longer. It's been 2 hours and 56min the nurse comes out and tells me "y/n is out of surgery but she will have some side affects like dizziness and fainting. She also may be uncomfortable. So these are her new pills that must be taken with her old ones." I say "okay. When can I see my girlfriend?" The lady says "u can see her now." I get up and walk right into her room.
•back to y/ns pov.•
"Eddie?" I say while seeing someone walk in. "Baby! Are u feeling okay" the person says while walking towards me. I move away because I still can't see who it is. I continue to blink to see if I can tell who the person is. It's Eddie. "I'm sorry." I say to him. "What?" He asks while confused. "I'm sorry for messing our relationship ship up. And that my parents left me and I'm sorry for being a bad gf and that u have to look at me like this and-"
I say before getting cut off. "Nonsense, ur the love of my life, I love u, I wanna be there for u, and I don't care about how u or ur family looks I love u for u. Nothing else just you." He says while tearing up. We both are crying. I start to feel dizzy again. "Eddie I feel like Ima faint again if I do call for a nurse." I start becoming very dizzy and a few seconds later I'm out.
The nurse comes in and waits for me to wake back up. I wake up. I see Eddie and a nurse looking at me. The nurse told Eddie I could go home in a day. I wanna go home now. After a while of me and Eddie talking and me fainting another time I'm really tired. Me and Eddie are now sleeping. I'm sleeping in the bed and he's sleeping on the couch in my room.
We sleep for the rest of the night.

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