Lisa (church girl): Cool! Neurosurgeon. Anyway, I'll let you sleep now since you're working tomorrow. See you next week's Sunday then. Goodnight, Dr. Jennie! Don't work too hard. *smiley emoji*

Jennie was impressed! The gorgeous blonde is a neurosurgeon! "Now that's sexy!", she thought. She also can't explain her giddiness over Lisa's goodnight text. She wanted to tell the gorgeous blonde she regretted lying about working tomorrow and they can absolutely hangout in the fresh market tomorrow. However, she's not ready to face the gorgeoys blonde yet! Not when she doesn't feel the confident sexy Jennie in her, and not when visible dark circles around her tired puffy eyes from lack of sleep are completely gone! She wants to look fresh and beautiful in front of the gorgeous blonde, so she needs beauty rest! Now why does she feel the need to impress the Lisa? Jennie hasn't thought about that.

Jennie: Goodnight, (Dr. McPretty) Lisa!

Beauty rest was quickly forgotten as she grabbed her laptop and google searched: Lisa Neurosurgeon Queenstown

Jennie just needs to see the blonde's face again, the most beautiful face she has ever seen; she also wants to see the heavenly smile that brought her sense of peace and home. Scrolling through the images section for 5 minutes now, she finally spotted Lisa's photo shaking hands with some significant person, she clicked on the link and read the article. She learned her name is Lalisa Manoban, 32 years old, from Thailand, graduated from Yale School of Medicine, top of her class. She was recently tapped to be the chief neurosurgeon at Lakes District Hospital. "But, why did she move here? Why isn't she practicing in the US?", she mentally asked. Nonetheless, Jennie is beyond impressed and she has this strong affinity to intelligent, humble, and funny people -- like the gorgeous blonde! She saved the blonde's smiling photo and looked at it for at least good 5 minutes before happily dozing off. She's going to be her bestfriend. Scrap that. She will make the gorgeous blonde her bestfriend and keep her forever!


It's Thursday night in the cafeteria where Jennie took her first meal break after a long hour of work. She took out her phone, opened the photos app, and stared at the blonde's photo -- yes, she also saved her photo on her phone and has been staring at it whenever she gets a chance for the past few days now as she feels relaxed, and her anxiety fades away whenever she sees the blonde's beautiful smiling face. She remembered about Sunday; she became super excited that she didn't care texting the blonde first this time – a thing she doesn't do even to her parents nor friends unless it's dire necessity like someone's dying.

Jennie: Hey Lisa! What time are we going to church on Sunday? Are we taking the 8AM or 11AM mass?

Dr. McPretty: Oh! I forgot to tell you. I'm sorry Jennie, my parents are flying here tomorrow. They want to pre-celebrate my birthday and I'm driving them around Queenstown this weekend. I'll make it up to you, I promise.

Jennie's heart sank, she felt betrayed. She wondered if this is how the gorgeous blonde felt when she declined her fresh market invitation and she's taking her revenge. She tried to push the negative thoughts and disappointment aside and briefly replied with a pout.

Jennie: No worries. Enjoy your weekend with your parents.

Dr. McPretty: Thank you for understanding. I promise we're hanging out soon. Virtual hug to erase that pout on your lips.

Jennie was surprised, she worriedly looked around to make sure the blonde is not stalking her. Because how would she know she was pouting hard? Jennie didn't reply and thought the sign she asked from God is just short lived since nothing is working out for them. It's been two weeks and the universe is not cooperating! Okay, she shouldn't blame the universe, she declined the gorgeous blonde's fresh market invitation and is now regretting even more. She thought they could have been bestfriends by now if she wasn't so stupid.
Sunday night, an unexpected text came from the gorgeous blonde. She hurriedly opened it. She hoped the universe is on her side this time.

Dr. McPretty: Hey Jennie! Did you end up being late for mass and embarrassing yourself again? LOL! I'm just teasing. Anyway, how does going out on Tuesday for dinner sound to you? My treat!

Jennie: Hey Lisa! (Can we just go out to dinner now?) You mean, March 27th Tuesday? Can you be more specific?

Dr. McPretty: Yup! That Tuesday. What do you think?

Jennie: Perfect! I'll see you on Tuesday. Where are we eating?

Jennie is freaking out because now she needs to cancel a friend's pre-planned dinner just to see the gorgeous blonde once again. She's afraid that Chahee, her childhood bestfriend, will be upset with her since they haven't seen each other for 6 months and she's visiting her from Korea. Well, technically, Chahee has a 5-days business trip that happens to be in Queenstown and wants to meet up with her before returning to Korea. But, she doesn't want to let this pass anymore. She doesn't want to give the gorgeous blonde the impression that she's not interested in her. Correction: not interested to be friends with her, okay?

Dr. McPretty: I haven't thought about it, but where do you like to go? What do you feel like eating?

Jennie: Well, depends on my mood that day. We'll wait and see.

Dr. McPretty: Ohmygod! I hope you're not grumpy that day because I'm not eating any bitter food. And I'm eating cake no matter what.

Jennie: If you keep teasing me, I'm feeding you bitter gourd and see who gets the last laugh.

Dr. McPretty: Ooohhh... Dr. Jennie is sassy! I like it! Rawr.

There goes Jennie's giddy smile. She was unconsciously smiling like an idiot highschool girl who got noticed by her crush for the very first time. But, she still doesn't know why she feels this way, especially to a girl, who she had just met 2 weeks ago. At least she's not anxious and intimidated anymore. And this is a good start, right? And whatever it is, Jennie's happy and she wants to keep going. She's not going to escape nor stay away from the gorgeoys blonde anymore; she finally made a decision to stay.


In case you're wondering:

( ) = in their conversation are their unspoken words or thoughts.

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