Abella came into my room wearing some jeans with a grey jacket and black turtle neck. "Ready?" I nodded at Abella and we all head out. "What's wrong with Nikko?"

"I don't know ,why?" I did know but who cares. "He walked to his office and slammed the door and then he yelled at Elijah."

"He did what! That son of a bitch, what did he tell you Eli"

"He said 'Get the fuck out and go to your god damn coffee shop' I think he's mad because we didn't invite him and he kept saying he fucked up." He did fuck up but that's no reason for him to scream at him.

"I don't think so, but we'll talk about it later we need to enjoy this." Stefano said as he turned up the music. "Give me the aux I want to put a song."

"Hell no, your playlist is probably ass."

"Your ass, now give me the god damn aux." He threw the cord and Abella smacked his arm.

"Throw it again." I looked at her then Stefano. "What's up with you too?"

"Got on the wrong foot, more then the wrong foot." She narrowed her eyes at him.

As I plugged that cord into my phone I played Poetic Justice- Kendrick Lamar.

"This song is decent." Stefano commented as all of us gasped. "Do you have something better?" Abella unplugged the aux and gave it Stefano.

"I do." He plugged it in and started singing.

"I don't know what you heard about me but a bitch can get a dollar outta of me."

"That line. Was made for me." We all looked at each other and laughed singing along.

After our little karaoke sesh we finally made it to the coffee shop. It was freezing and so made a good choice to bring this long coat.

Once we got it the smell of coffee filled my nose. Coffee has always been a top drink of mine and will always be.

"What can I get started for you guys?" The girl in the front asked. "I'll get a coffee and a croissant." Stefano try to say in French but failed. Horribly.

The girl laughed and as I turned to see Abella she was as shorting daggers at her. "What's up with you seriously?"

"Nothing, she just looks familiar."

"I'll get chamomile tea." Elijah said in a flat tone. "Chamomile tea? Really, I thought you were better than that." I sarcastically said. "Not all of us have a coffee addiction."

"I'll get a coffee and bagel." The girl nodded. "I'll get a bagel and a chai latte."

"Can I ask you something and be honest."


"You and Stefano, since you got here I've seen you both have been looking at each other weirdly like you want to kill him."

"Trust me, I do."

"So since we all haven't caught up in a while what's new." Stefano started the conversation.

But it's true we haven't went somewhere to sit and talk about our life since we all went separate ways and I missed it. These people are my safe space.

"Well France was very nice. I visited a lot of palaces and school wasn't so bad but it could've been better." Abella talked first. Everyone was happy she went to France.

"It's been the same for me, a bodyguard. I've never actually had time to go out somewhere besides go with places with Nikko." Then they popped an idea in my head but we'll discuss later.

𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 & 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 |18+Where stories live. Discover now