01.| Hate

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Hate. Such a hurtful expression that breaks lots of people. Hate is one of those passions where someone does some screwed up shit, you loath them so much that the smallest things they do you hate.

My dad is that person. I loathe him with all in me; I despise his audacities, his form of speaking to people, I just hate him. A part of me wants to love him so bad that I think about the times we were once good but the memories never seem to present themselves.

He feels just because I'm his kid, I'll bow down to him. Fuck no, he wishes I did. Because of him, I'm the way I am, but he doesn't see it in that form. He's my dad. I should love him, but I don't. I hate him.

"Alvara, get your fat ass over here," My brother Malachi shouted. I sighed rolling my eyes "Going!" I yelled getting off my bed and heading out towards his room.

Malachi Valentino, my brother, he's 22. He's the heir to my dad's business , but he's a sweetheart but under all that kindness he's crazy. He despises my dad as well, but he makes it look like he doesn't so he doesn't give him shit, not me though fuck him and his feelings.

Malachi is the oldest because there is simply me and him, but he's constantly here for me.

He acts like a brother and sister at the same moment. I admire him for that. He sees me and treats me and attends to me when my dad acts like an ass. All the time.

I go to his room which was there at the end of the corridor. I open the door and he's seated at his desk.

"Che cosa vuoi?" I  walked into his room, going towards his bed.
(T: What do you want)

"First get the fuck off my bed and second dad needs you to interrogate if that's what you want to call it, Ramon Zuro, the name sounds familiar , no?" He went on typing whatever he was writing and I answer yes.

"But listen, if you don't want to, I could tell dad no and I could go do it. I'll love to you know it," He turned his chair facing me.

Ramon Zuro. He was a bad man, and when I mean bad, I mean bad like sex ring type shit and prosotutuion of young woman. He made my life miserable as well, besides my father and I'll do anything to watch him burn in the depths of hell.

"No, Malachi it's fine I could handle it and if you told dad I didn't want to he would've given me shit saying I'm weak, you know the demo so it's fine but when am I supposed to do it?" I get off his bed and head to his desk look at the sketch book.

Malachi loves to draw. Just like me, so we bond over it. Even though we bond over other things, but he's a great drawer like that shit could be in an art museum.

"He said today cause he's had him down there for about a week and he needs info asap so he needs you for it." He snatched the sketch book away from my view and shoved it into the cabinet.

"Fine and like the drawing, still drawing her , huh?" I look at his green to hazel eyes with a sympathetic look on my face.

"Ya I had to. It's the anniversary today, so I'm going to take it to the cemetery." He takes out his book again and shows me the drawing.

It was beautiful. The wavy long hair , long thick eyelashes, light brown eyes, and her lushes brown melanin skin. She was a god sent. I analyzed the drawing and on the bottom right corner it said "To my love Amelia, forever and always" with a red rose. She always loved roses.

"I can't believe it's been 4 years since we saw her. I miss her and her laughing at our stupid jokes." My brother has a sad face as I place the drawing down.

"I miss her too Alvara so much it's hurts. It's been 4 fucking years and still no sign of her." He lets a tear fall down.

I cup my brother's face and make him look at me. Seeing his green to hazel eyes grow darker.

"It's going to hurt Malachi and I know but trust me. I don't want to give you false hope saying we'll find her but none of us are sure so until then stay strong for her." He pulls me into a hug and I hug back. Making my heart clench.

Seeing my brother like this hurts me. He loved her so much and he still does. It fucks with all of us because no one really knew what happened to Amelia. She was so sweet and innocent she didn't dare hurt no one and one day she was supposed to come here. She never arrived and since then not a single sign of her. They believed she died but never found a body, but we don't know, so we buried an empty casket and it's still hurt Malachi till this day.

But what do you expect? Not all pain is going to go away in mere seconds and even if it does, it's still there.

"Okay, get off of me and go do what dad asks before he comes and screams at me." He pulled away and chuckled a little make me smile and chuckle as well.

"You're right, but go to the cemetery and if you need anything text me I'm going to eat before I go down in the basement because I will not argue with a man on an empty stomach." I get up and ruffle his hair.

"True, but show the motherfucker how it's done when he messes with us." He heads to the bathroom and I answer with 'I will'.

How's the first chapter?

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How's the first chapter?

It's not much but its barley chapter one so and just know that Alara is a ball of emotions so if there's parts she acts differently and then switches up it's apart of it okay so don't be mad

𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 & 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 |18+Where stories live. Discover now