17.| Abella

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"Abella what the fuck are you doing here

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"Abella what the fuck are you doing here." I look at the blond in front of me. The one I last saw 8 years ago and then again another 3 years ago.

Her beautiful blond hair was curled at the tips. Her dark blue eyes, long lashes, rosy cheeks. She was only one month older than I was.

"Nice to see you to, chère." I quickly get off bed and run towards her hugging her tightly.
(T: Dear)

"I missed you so so much." She hugged back and pulled away. "I missed you too." I laughed.

"How did you know I was here?" I lead her to my bed. When she moved my family moved to a more big house in Italy."I had to research. I missed you to much not to know." I smiled. I missed seeing her, it's been to long since the last time we saw each other.

"So how was France?"

"Amazing. The people were nice, food is delicious. The men are A1."

"Did you find any men?"

"I met one. He was tall light brown hair, body like god. You should've seen his Alvara he was gorgeous. But he looked like a total heartbreaker." She frowned and I laughed. It's fun talking to her again, and even though it's been 3 years I still feel that bond with her. We didn't hang out a lot when she visited for a week because of her dad's line of work and I'm surprised how long he's kept it.

"Do you have a picture?"

"Sadly, no. But for me his imagine with just enough to corrupt my mind. He was amazing too, such a gentleman."

"Sound like someone has a crush."

"Stop it. He was cute and it was fun while it lasted. But you, anyone special?"

"Not necessarily." Oh, Abella. How do I tell her me and Nikko are basically fuck buddies?

"Just spill!"

"Well, we aren't labeled or anything we're just doing it for fun. If you could say that" It definitely wasn't for fun, he wanted it and I did too. "It's Nikko."

She looked at me shocked. But a single word came out her mouth.

"You're lying? No way, NO WAY! Oh,my god. He's the one who you used to argue with a lot?" I nodded and if her mouth was capable of opening completely wide she sure would have done it.

"This is crazy and unbelievable. I can't believe you guys are basically fuck bubbies. Is the sex good? Is he big? Does he last?"

"Best I've had. Definitely. Longer then he's supposed to."

"So he's like a greek for basically?"

"I guess so?"

"You definitely bagged. Is it like we just fuck and that's it he leaves or?"

"No, we stay in bed but we don't see it as anything." It feels weird saying these things about him, because everything I'm saying is true but it's weird

"Anyways, have you said Hi to anyone or just me?"

"Just you. I said Hi to this maid, short gray black hair"

"Oh, that's Valeria. She's really nice, and her cooking is amazing"

"I'll tell her to whip me up some in the morning." We stayed quiet as if we had nothing else to say and we didn't.

"I can't believe your back. I've waited so long for you to come and I begged jesus you didn't forget me. I'm guessing you haven't"

"I would never forget the only person who runs to me with her problems. You're basically stuck with me."

It was true. Any inconvenience I would run to her, she was my only for of stability. I'm glad she was there and I'm glad I went to her because of it wasn't for her I wouldn't even be here.

She got me though the toughest times in my life, when I attempted to kill myself. It was my priority to leave this world, I desperately wanted to leave and a part
of me now still wants to. But I know if I do I'll leave people here crying for me when I know I don't deserve the tears of the people who put up with me.

But Abella got me passed the most horrible part of my life. She's seen me though everything, like the time I overdosed on pills. She said I laid lifeless on the floor, I was only 15. I was into the hardcore drugs and I took them ease my mind but they say my dad pissed me off a I took them

I remembered laying there purposely happy I was leaving. Then I blacked out and when I woke up I was at the hospital mad.

Mad I didn't die, the only person there was Abella and my mom. They both believed I'd do and get better but I let them down.

"You know. Your very strong, I just had a mini flashback to everything you went thru you and it surprises me how you got through it."

My mother told her mom what was going on with me. She too was surprised how I got through it but in all honesty I don't think I ever did. I don't think I pushed back the bad.

"Well I try my best. I haven't taken drugs, I smoked and drank but drugs haven't hit my system"

"I'm proud of you. Your strong and I love you for it. But I'm going to sleep because jet lag. Goodnight, see you tomorrow morning."

She gave me a kiss on both cheeks. I walked her to a room since she didn't have one. After I left to mine and got under thw covers.

I was tired and sleeping is needed.

I was tired and sleeping is needed

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How was the chapter?

Y'all our girl Abella is making it into the book, as she should!  Also it's short I know but I rewrote but i'm so tired

I'm also slowly making chapters for Corrupted Innocence, still trying to plan it out but i won't today since i'm going out 😍

𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 & 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 |18+Where stories live. Discover now