"Yes?" Killer answered, wiping the tears from his sockets and turning his gaze in the scientist's direction.

"Sorry if I'm a bit insensitive at the moment, but I wanted to ask you a few questions" said Science, taking a serious expression again and taking a notebook in his hands.

"It's the least I can do since you didn't tell the others anything about my pregnancy" Killer replied despondently making sure for the second time that there will be no tears left in their sockets.

"You don't have t-, .... wait, how did you know I didn't tell them anything?" Science asked, looking confused at the opposite.

"It's very obvious, if they knew... the place wouldn't be so quiet" Killer replied still crestfallen looking towards the door.


Science could only look at Killer with sadness, in a certain way he could understand why the killer has a fallen expression but at that moment he had a question that he wanted an answer to at all costs.

"I know it's not the time but... by any chance... Emm..." Science said slowly, finally attracting the other's attention "The father of the baby will not be..." the tension in the environment became more and more uncomfortable with the nervous expression of the opposite.

"...Outer?" the scientist finished saying closing his sockets expecting the worst.

Silence reigned in the room where there was a frightened scientist with his eyes closed and a completely stiff assassin.

"*Pfff* Hahahahahaha"

Killer had started laughing out of nowhere, the scientist's comment had really taken him by surprise and he couldn't contain his emotions.

The scientist's cheeks had turned a light blue tone, looking embarrassed as his patient tried to stop laughing by holding his abdomen, the killer's reaction had given him a clear answer to his question, managing to calm down and taking a breath to let out a sigh of relief. .

After a few minutes Killer was able to calm down by wiping away a few tears that had come from laughing so hard.

"You know that Outer and I don't have that kind of relationship" Killer replied looking at the scientist avoiding laughing again "Besides the fact that he told me about your relationship" he finished saying completely calm.

"H-he told you?" Science asked very blushing.

"The last time I saw him he was very happy because a certain scientist confessed to him" Killer replied looking at Science blushing more and more.

So a couple of minutes passed, Killer bothering Science with his relationship with his best friend and he hid his face to prevent his blush from being seen.

"*cough* *cough*" Science pretended to cough to dispel the subject by speaking again.

"Do you know who the father is?" Asked the scientist trying to change the subject.

Killer's expression turned crestfallen again, trembling a little while thinking whether to answer the question or not, Science noticed this and went on to change the question.

"Do you think it will be a boy or a girl?" the scientist asked calmly.

Killer looked at his belly, letting notice his white ring-shaped pupil, he had a calmer and sweeter expression, thinking forward with delusion the gender of his baby.

"A big strong little male skeleton would be nice, I have a feeling he'll look more like his father" Killer replied in a motherly voice.

Science looked captivated at the expression of the killer, he had heard from Outer that he could be very kind when he wanted to, although it was hard to believe when all he could think of was a cruel and unfeeling murder, now that he saw it with his own pupils he had to affirm the words of his partner.

"I imagine you want to keep your pregnancy a secret, if you want I can give your group a false report so they can be more careful with your condition" the scientist continued.

"Would you do that for me?" Killer asked in amazement.

"It's the least I can do for a friend," Science replied kindly.

A slight smile formed on Killer's face at the scientist's words. 'A friend' he thought happily.

"T-thank you..." the assassin whispered loud enough to be heard by his new friend.

"You're welcome" replied the scientist, standing up from his seat to prepare the false diagnosis that he would deliver to his patient's companions.


Here ends today's chapter hoping you liked it, I thank those who still read this book without your support I would not have the courage to continue writing.

I want to remind you that English is not my first language and I use the translator to make this version of my original book that is on my profile in Spanish, if you have been interested in the book and know how to read Spanish feel free to check it out.

With nothing more to say


1382 words.

Papa Nightmare? [Nightkiller] [English Version]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin