XXXIV: Future In-Laws

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XXXIV: Future In-Laws

Third POV

It was finally noon when Izuku had fallen asleep and woken up again. He was in a relatively good mood seeing as how after today he'd be discharged from the hospital.

Of course, that didn't dismiss the fact that Katsuki was still out on the frontlines combatting against a bunch of villains and Izuku's nerves were on the verge of being shot because of it.

He let out a deep exhale from his nose, falling back onto his pillow before his gaze heard a knock at his door.

"Come in!" Izuku called out to them, watching the door slide open to reveal Keiko and two other people.

"Hello, Izuku," A feminine voice rang, clasping onto her husband's hand, "It's been quite some time since we've seen one another."

Izuku slowly nodded, his eyes still widened in shock, "It has been a while, It's been nice seeing you, Aunt Mitsuki, and Uncle Masaru."

The woman let out a hum, "It's Mom and Dad to you now; Katsuki's told us about the marriage proposal and your answer."

Masaru bowed his head, adjusting his glasses as he placed Keiko down onto the nearby reclining chair while they took the other two guest seats, "We figured now would be the best time to let you know, that the papers had gone through for you to be Keiko's immediate guardian."

"But we also feel as though we owe you some sort of way to make amends on behalf of Katsuki." Mitsuki bowed as well, "We know he was a brat up to high school, and we are also aware of how he treated you back then."

Izuku's felt his eyes moisten, listening to them go on,

"Up until recently we know Katsuki had put you through hell, yet even so you held no ill will towards and agreed to watch over Keiko when things got rough." Mitsuki uttered, "You can't even begin to at him how grateful we are."

Izuku stared at his palms, understanding so much now, "I don't want an apology, though."

"It's not gonna change the past but I can't help but find it funny; how as a kid I used to wish that Katsuki wouldn't notice me but now..?"

He looked over to Keiko, then back to the Bakugo parents,

"I want him here more than ever."

Izuku tugged off his blanket, trying to block out any thoughts of the man he loves not returning back to him.

"We can't think negative though," Izuku stated, an encouraging smile on his face, "And when Katsuki returns we can finally have that wedding, so got any ideas for us?"

A flicker of hope appeared in both Mitsuki's and Masaru's eyes; feeling all too undeserving of Izuku's lack of animosity.

"Well, we were thinking..." Mitsuki started up, her mind swirling up with a multitude of ideas.

. . . Meanwhile . . .

Deika city was under mass evacuation.

The sound of emergency transports filled the streets leading away from the city, while every single broadcasting channel was reporting.

Pro-heroes like Uravity and Froppy were helping those located in the east to get to a farther distance, meanwhile, pros like  Dynamight or  Shoto were headed to the frontlines.

They would be taking on the newest reformation of the liberation army.

Approaching high noon, the first strike would commence.

All For One vs Great Explosion Murder God: Dynamight.

At the moment, All for One looked down towards Tomura who was fixing himself up.

The rest of the league was being suited up as well, ready to put this whole Villian vs. Hero scuffle aside.

"Today is the day we show those peons that that perfect world they've envisioned is nothing more than a mirage." All for one proudly spoke, his tone sounding gleeful to tear down all that All Might had built in his prime.

"A society, where everyone realizes the truth," Shigaraki added, looking up at all for one.

"A society that no one has to be bound to." Toga goggles, stashing her hood serrated knife into its sheath.

"Our goals and wishes achieve without anyone trying to tell us our worth." Dabi finished off as they shared similar looks.

Similar hopes and aspirations that they could nearly taste. Only a single grasp away.

Whoever would win would finally make citizens realize the truth about the world they lived in.

The second they stepped foot onto the open terrain, it'd be go time.

. . .

Katsuki stood on opposing ground; his gaze was set only a few meters away when he finally spotted them in the distance.

He then looked further behind him, spotting Pro Heroa Shoto and the newest Ingenium, gathering not only their class of heroes but other offense-oriented heroes to align as one.


Katsuki knew this wasn't going to be an easy feat.

It was time for him to finish off what All Might had started 9 years ago. Realized that all it'd take was a fierce determination from the heroes to ensure victory for the people of Japan.

He needed to think.

Nothing like his past self that was brash and somewhat impulsive.

He had to be controlled and calculated.

Of course, if he had to go apeshit then he would with no hesitation.

If it meant he got to go back, and hold the people he held near and dear to him.

He looked back to the west to notice a good amount of people had cleared away from the city, understanding some of them were worried for their futures.

A glimmer of hope is all they needed, but until they knew the odds were completely in their favor, they would carry a bleak look.

Both citizens and heroes alike.

"You ready?" Todoroki questioned, looking over to Katsuki who seemingly had a glazed-over look in his eyes.

Katsuki nodded, "I'm ready to go back home, that's for sure."

Todoroki let out a puff through his nose, a forced smile making its way from his face.

Like Katsuki; Shoto was ready to head back home soon.

Just as soon as he was able to bring back peace and make sure the people of Japan felt safe.

And that they would, now that the newest brand of heroes was on the scene.

𝐃𝐘𝐍𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔'𝐒 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang