XXXII: To Be His

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XXXII: To Be His

Third POV

Three days had passed after Keiko's birthday, and Izuku's health had only gotten better as he was now able to get away from bed rest and the entirety of the ICU ward. Of course, his body was still quite weak, so he was now in the process of daily physical rehabilitation.

He was now in the hospital's rehabilitation area; Izuku wore rather stretchy white shorts and a light blue long-sleeved sweatshirt. brought to him by Katsuki.

Currently, a male nurse was standing behind him just in case Izuku wanted to fall back or stop his daily walk on the treadmill.

Despite being in a small amount of pain for overworking his nerves, Izuku was adamant about pushing forward because he wanted to be able to go back outside again.

Besides, there was something he was waiting to do for a while now.


It was two days after Izuku had been transferred from the ICU ward and into the regular overnight hospital rooms when Katsuki and Keiko had finally come to visit him again.

She was the first to come in, wearing a lily-white button-up romper and her hair in two high pigtails.

She was excited to see him without all that crazy hospital gear surrounding his face, running to his side with a buzzed grin, "Is true? Is it really true?" She squeaked out in joy, "Are you really gonna live with me and daddy?"

Izuku slowly nodded, moving his left non-iv placed hand to gently pat Keiko's hair, his eyes panning over to Katsuki.

"So when did they say you'd be done for?" Katsuki questioned, walking over to Keiko and gently settling her beside Izuku's legs before taking the boy's hand in his own.

"Well, I'm about 80% hydrated again, I start my physical rehabilitation tomorrow," Izuku answered, gladly recovering the loving kiss Katsuki placed on his cheek. "Hopefully I'll be out two days after today."

"I'm still surprised you want me to move in with you..." Izuku softly chuckled, his eyes darting downwards to Keiko, who lay sideways, looking up at the ceiling.

She wasn't exactly interested in their conversation.

"Having second thoughts?" Katsuki questioned, ruffling Izuku's hair even more than its regular state.

"I feel as though I'm intruding on a life you and Keiko have already solidified on," Izuku sheepishly admitted, looking back at Katsuki that stared at his hand for some odd reason.

"Yeah well, I hope you know that Keiko and I'd lives wouldn't be complete without you in it," He responded, "So much has happened it wouldn't feel right to let you go."

He then dug into his pocket, slipping out a familiar gold ring before placing it back onto Izuku's finger.

He watched Izuku's emerald irises light up once the ring was placed back on, knowing how much the boy had missed this ring.

"I figured you'd want it for good luck about this." Katsuki chuckled, lightly kissing Izuku's hand, watching a faint blush fist itself onto Izuku's face.

"Of course," Izuku nodded, "If you seem so confident about this, then I guess I should too."

~Flashback End~

Izuku let out a breath, calmly slowly down the speed adjustment before taking it to a full stop.

With help from his physical therapist, he got down, only to be told by the man in navy blue scrubs that there was someone there to see him in the hospital garden.

Looking out to the hospital courtyard, Izuku spotted Katsuki who leaned over the red railing of the wooden bridge located over the koi pond.

Odd thing was that Keiko wasn't with him, and he had a look on his face.

Izuku thanked his designated nurse before he headed out himself, fiddling with his ring before he finally approached the man.

"I didn't expect to see you so soon," Izuku spoke, "Can I assume Keiko's with her aunts and uncles?" A bright smile on his face.

Katsuki nodded, "Yeah, she is." As he reached out for Izuku and pushed the boy so he'd be in between the railing and Katsuki's ripped body.

He wrapped his arms around the boy, staring at the fish that swam ever so carelessly.

"After Keiko and I went home last night, I was called into my agency for an urgent meeting." He uttered, nuzzling his face into Izuku's fluffy locks.

"We have been tipped off by one of our recon members and now we have absolute confirmation of an opening to take down remaining head villains."

Izuku felt his heart stop before a grin was placed ln his face,

"That's good news is it not? You've been wanting to put them away for a long time."

He looked over but instead of a typical brazened smirk, Katsuki's face was stoic.

Something told Izuku that despite what he'd heard, this wasn't exactly good news.

"It is, except this is our one chance, and a majority of the high-ranked villains are all gathered in one area meaning we have to go all out for this," Katsuki answered. "Normally the idea of this wouldn't bother me, but now I have so much left. Like my parents, Keiko, and obviously you."

Now Izuku understood why Katsuki carried the long look on his face.

Katsuki was the number one hero and was expected to be at the very front of the lines, yet he had a daughter to look out for.

So much pressure.

"There's so much for you to do..." Izuku whispered, feeling Katsuki nod in acknowledgment.

"I want to be able to get everything that I have to say out now before it's too late..."Katsuki uttered, "In the chance, I don't come back how I want to put you in a different position than the others when it comes to Keiko."

Izuku felt confused for a moment, as Katsuki's right hand abandoned his waist and entwined with his hand with the good luck ring.

"Kaminari, Mina, Sero, and Kirishima are all acting guardians for Keiko, and they do a good job at it but they'll be at the front lines with me." Katsuki explained, "You get along much better with her even if I'm not there compared to them."

"Are you asking me to formally be Keiko's guardian..?" Izuku quietly asked, staring at Katsuki's reflection in the water.

Katsuki swallowed hard, staring down at Izuku's hand, "No, I'm asking you to be something more than a simple guardian."

He slowly turned Izuku around so their eyes would meet, letting the boy know that what the man said was serious.

"I want to marry you, Izuku."

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