III: Nine Years

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III: Nine Years

Third POV

A few hours had passed from the choice activities. At the moment, most of the kids were asleep, giving Izuku some time to go out and print out some color by number sheets.

In the copying room Izuku focused on the printer, waiting for the fifteen pieces od paper to be printed out when he could hear his coworkers chatting.

See, one thing to keep in mind at this school was there were different types of teachers, and it was just his luck he was in the same room with the worst kind.

The not-so-secret gossipers.

Though this time he supposed, wasn't all that bad as he might've overheard them talk about Keiko and her background.

"Did you hear? Keiko's parent is supposed to show up for once." The female staff member spoke, "Finally, I'm tired of just seeing a fancy black car pull up."

"Interesting..." Izuku thought to himself, he'd never actually seen the modes of transportation each child took once the day was done.

"I'm sure her parents are loaded, or maybe just parent." The other coworker giggled, "Who knows one of us just might be able to change that."

Izuku rolled his eyes in repugnance, wondering what exactly was the appeal in meddling in family affairs and flirting with parents, It's wrong to know they could potentially ruin families.

Thankfully, he just wasn't interested in anyone at the moment, just a chance to focus on himself and the kids.

But that's when the conversation took a turn, the talk no longer being on Keiko but the viridian-haired boy instead.

"Don't look now but Mr.Quirkless is in the room." The female coworker nudged her head at, not even bother to contain her voice nor snickering.

It was people like her; people that made it quite difficult for Izuku to fully adjust to one place just because he wasn't born with something that came naturally to everyone else, it also made made a pretty good explanation as to why he favored the children over anyone else in this center.

Because at least they weren't all that insensitive and barely knew anything about gossiping.

He slammed the printer shut startling his coworkers; neatly collecting the remaining stack of paper before walking past them, his tone sounding harsh,

"No need to whisper I'm leaving anyways."

Trudging out into the main school hall and heading back to his classroom.

. . .

The end of school had finally arrived and the children were already awake, either engaging in silent reading or drawing. As he had conversations with their parents and how well they were doing during 'class' time.

Time passed as Izuku watch the number of kids remaining slowly dwindle. The only ones remaining were, a kid named Aki and her brother Botan who shared similar mood lighting quirks, and of course Keiko whose quirk was still undiscovered.

Izuku looked around the room to make sure everyone was okay before making his way towards the doorway.

He'd only meant to poke his head out but he ended up bumping into something large and sturdy, hearing a deep and raspy voice follow merely seconds after,

"Watch where the hell you're going." A masculine voice echoed, as Izuku felt a sharp gaze look down on him.

Izuku was taken back, this person came out of nowhere and was cursing like it was no one's business, as if there weren't any kids in the vicinity.

𝐃𝐘𝐍𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔'𝐒 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄✓Where stories live. Discover now