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While Janine and the trio we're heading to the mountains they watch as the clouds of ghosts move somewhere else. Which shocked them.

"The clouds are heading in a different direction" Axel said in shock.

"Someone must've saw gozer" Janine said.

"But who would do that?" Jesse asked.

Casey thought about it. She thought this could be EGONs family doing this. She thought who else could it be stopping gozer.

Once they got to the mountains they all get their gear on. Janine walks to Casey who was putting her pack on before looking at Janine.

"Egon would be very proud of you" Janine said smiling.

Casey smiles back thinking about him before looking back at Janine "thank you"

"For what?" JANINE asked in confusion.

"For bringing me to EGON and having him as my dad"

"I don't regret it"

Casey Looks to jesse and Axel who were all geared up and they looked at her thinking she was gonna say something.

"No matter what happens, I'm glad I have met both of you and I'm glad you guys are my friends" Casey said.

"We are two" Axel said.

"And we don't regret it" jesse adds.

Casey smiles "let's go bust some ghosts" she turns her proton pack on as did the others before heading inside the mountain.

Once they got in the head to the pit where all the ghosts are and they all stood together to prepare ourselves.

"We are doing this not just for the people we love but for people of Summerville and the world." Casey said before turning on the stream and points it at the hole and holding it.

"See you in the side Axel" jesse said as she turns on her stream.

"Nice knowing you jesse" Axel said turning on his stream as Janine follows.

They all struggle before they alll collided their streams together and the Hole to the ghost world is now destroyed and the mountain slowly begins to collapse.

With the lucky the Rocks went around then as they all looked to see what was going on. There were a few ghosts there that saved them.

They they all walked forward to Janine and the trio.

One was the same age as Axel "teddy!" Axel wispered as he walks up to his brother and hugs him.

Jesse Looks to see two familiar figures "mom fad" she hugs her parents and they hugged her back.

Then casey walks up to unfamiliar figures a woman comes up to her and smiled "mom!" She wispered as her mother smiled and nods. Then a male figure walks up to them with a concern Look on his face casey knew that was her father. Without hesitation she hugs him as he was hesitant but hugged back. "I understand what you had to do" she said. Then the ghosts began to dissolve away.

Then they all turned to see Janine with a ghost figure of a familiar person they know. Egon. Their heads were together before they turned to the trio.

Egon walks up to Axel and rubs his head gently knowing that he's proud of him "thanks Boss"

Then EGON walks up to jesse and raised his fist for her to bump. And she bumps it "it's been an honour serving you mr Spengler.

Then he walks up to casey as she cries in joy to see the person she cares about again. He puts his hand on her cheek as she leans in his touch. Then he lets go of her face and points at the ghostbusters shmbol on her arm. Casey knew what he was about to say "I promise" EGON knew it was his time yo go as he walks way. Casey has this Chance to say what she want to say "EGON" he stops to face her as she runs up to him and hugs him as he was shocked at first then hugs back then says what she plans to say.

"I love you dad"

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