Late at night egon went to look at papers of gozer worshipers as he looked all the way to mayor, axels and jesses dads to the mystery man he doesn't know. So he had a further digging. He read the names of them when he noticed the mystery guys last name.

"Shandor?!" He looked for more information about the man as he got to a little history about him. "He had a wife and daughter?" He read trying to dig more information as he kept on reading to reveal the names of the girls his wife's birth name was Floyd which he remembered the fact that Casey's last name was Floyd. He had a deep look to see a picture of man and his wife and someone he never expected that he never knew "Casey?!".

"Egon?!" Janine shouted running to EGON as Axel and Jesse follows "green took casey!"

"He left this note" Axel hands EGON a peice of paper.

Egon takes the paper and read "If you want to see her again meet me in the mountains tomorrow night 9:00 alone. No one else" EGON crumpled the paper in frustration.

"Why would he do that?" Janine asked.

"Because she's shandor blood" EGON said making the other look at him in confusion "the fourth man in the picture was her father. She probably need her for something and I'm going to find out"

"You know it's a trap right?" Jesse asked crossing her arms.

"I know but I want her to be safe as for all of you I have to do this".

Janine puts her hand on Egons shoulder "EGON you can't do this on your own let us help"

Egon shook his head "it too dangerous"

"Boss you asked us to help you stop Gozer from coming to this world and that's what we're gonna do"

"Let's not forget that man killed my father and I want to make him pay" said Jesse.

Egon sighed in defeat "alright we have till tomorrow night and we still have stuff to do"

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