After casey left Axel decided to go back inside rays occult to talk to ray stantz.

"Exuse me did I just kick you and your friend out I told you I don't want to hear more about ghosts." Ray said. "And where's your friend?"

"She's planning to go back to Summerville where egon was the whole time." Axel said calmly.

"I know he's dead" ray said in frustration. Axel looked confused "he's i don't granddaughter called me last night telling me the same thing. And I want nothing to do with it"

Axel could tell ray was afraid but he also knew what he must do to convince ray to come to Summerville.

"Look I know you're still mad at him. When he was alive he admitted his faults all of them. All his wanted more than anything was the people he was close to to understand. That he was right. He was right about what was gonna happen. He didn't forgive himself for abandoning you just like I didn't blame myself for my brothers death. All my life I have been told to keep my feet on the ground. And now when it comes to problems I have decided to run towards my problems not from it.EGON believed that why don't you?" Ray did not answer. "if it was you were there and EGON was her he would have believed you. All he wanted to do was to fight gozer one last time to his best friends."  Axel was gonna Continue but didn't bother he went to the door and stoped "you should have believed him" was his last words before leaving.

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