Egon was sitting on the table working on his pack. When he heard laughing he stopped working. He wasn't sure what was going on up there.

He got up from his chair and walked upstairs to go to Casey's room I peeked to see Casey and Janine talking.

"Janine I have a question" Casey said crossing her legs on her bed.

"I might have an answer" Janine said sarcastically.

"What's it like working with the ghostbusters?"

Janine gave it some thought before answering "honestly when I first started working there I wasn't sure of myself then over the years I may not look like I enjoyed it but I actually did even though I was a secretary they guys treated me well. It made me feel like I'm part of the team although i never was a ghostbuster it would have been a dream to become one one day. But it's probably never going to happen."

"I think you will" said Casey said smiling at her. "I'm glad you had a family even though I never did"

Janine puts her hand on Casey's back "family doesn't need to be blood, family is those you are about and cares about you." She gets up and and walks out of the room. "Goodnight Casey"

"Goodnight Janine," said Casey "tell Egon I said Goodnight"

"I will" Janine closed the door and saw Egon leaning by the doorway "how long have you been standing there?"

"Not that long" EGON said pushes himself off the wall and he and Janine walks downstairs. "So what do you plan to do?"

"I plan to leave later not like I have anything else to do" Janine said sitting at the table.

Egon hums before turning on the tea kettle "tea?"


Egon Sets two cups on the aside before sitting across from Janine waiting for the water to Boil.

"Look I know you still don't like the idea of stopping gozer. But, we saw the prophecy it's going to happen and we have to be ready to stop it. Last thing we want is someone like shandor to stop us."

"I'm not just worried about the kids, I'm worried about you. You're trying to fight a battle that you might not win. I have a feeling something terrible might happen to you. But if you believe this is the right thing. I will respect it"

Egon gives her a small smile as he reaches for her hand and touches it. "thank you"

"For what?" Janine asked.

"For taking care of me"

Janine smiles "I'll do it again, anywhere you go"

They looked at each other's eyes as they both lean close together but stopped when they heard the tea kettle scream. Egon gets up and turns off the stove and pours hot water for the tea then gives it to Janine.

Janine takes a sip and smiles "thank you"

"You're welcome" Egon said taking a sip of his tea before continuing. " I was thinking since earlier you said you had a few weeks off, I was wondering if you would like to stay here I could really use more company."

Janine smiles "alright"

"Good. I mean, good I'll get your bed set up in the other spare room." He said getting up leaving Janine alone laughing.

In Casey's room, Casey was sitting her bed looking at a picture of her mother while she was pregnant with Casey.

Casey smiles and kissed the picture before laying down. With the picture in her hand.

She felt something beside her she turned to see slimer beside her about to fall asleep.

At first casey was scared of the green ghost. Now she got used to him and befriend him. "Goodnight slimer" she said petting the ghost before falling asleep.

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