Casey scream as green cuts her hand with a knife making it bleed.

"Don't worry I'll be done with you just after a few drops of your blood spills in this ground " he said uncuffing casey. And dripping her blood on the floor.

"Mayor green!" They heard a voice as the turned to see EGON, Janine, Jesse and Axel getting out of the old elevator.

"Ah! Just in time" green said looking at the time.

"We're here now let her go" EGON said.

Green chuckled "you think I would let her go that easily for you all to just simply walk in here? No, I need here blood to open the portal so gozer will finally rise again and ivo shandor will wake from his coffin Ive waited for over 30 years since their return in New York until you destroyed shandors work" he points at EGON.

"We did what we think was Right to protect people" EGON said.

"You couldn't even protect your own family" green said "you don't think know EGON SPENGLER famous ghostbuster who abandoned his own daughter before he even started the business with paranormal research. She probably hates you as much as your ghostbusting colleagues do since they didn't believe you. Everyone thought you were crazy.  Where's your friends now?"

EGON didn't answer knowing he was right he thinks he lost his friends trying to get gozer. None of theM believed him. But that has never stopped him.

"You're right" he said "I have made mistakes in the past. What I did was for myself and my beliefs in the science. I was afraid to raise a daughter that doesn't even know who her father is. But I didn't fully abandon her, I keep pictures of her life knowing what she's done. I wanted her to know one day she'll understand I did what I had to do in order to protect her. Now I'm raising another girl who's had the same experience with her father that you murdered and jesses father too."

"He murdered himself jesses father was weak and as for axels... coward" he holds a life to Casey's neck  "now I have his daughter the plan will go on. Now that her blood is dealt with. I'll let her go if you take off your packs"

They all knew this was a bad idea but they all took their chances and put the pack down in front of green and Casey.

"Now let her go" EGON said reaching his hand out for Casey.

Green looks at Casey then Egon with a smirk "all right I will" he began to drag casey as she began to struggle from his grasp as he takes her to the hole. "Join with your parents in the other side"

"No!" Casey shouts as she spits in his face forcing him to let her go.and kicking him and taking his knife and put it around his throat. "Luckily I took classes to defend myself."

"Axel help me se the proton charges to help prevent the ghost and gozer from leaving" EGON ordered.

"Yes boss" Axel takes the charges and starts working on it.

Jesse walks to green and kneels with a pissed look on her face "you shouldn't have killed my father".

"What are you gonna do about it?" Green said Coy.

Jesse takes green and drags him "and eye for and eye, a tooth for a tooth. And a man for a man. GO TO HELL" she pushes green in the hole as he fall screaming down "now we're even" she said as Janine puts her hand on jesses shoulder.

Once the charges were taken place egon walks to Casey as she runs to him and hugs him and he hugs back.

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