I don't blame her for being afraid. I honestly don't remember the last time I was this angry. How could just sacrifice herself like that? Why? Why must she be like that? I look at her brother and the only thing on his face is guilt. Guess they really are similar.

"Don't feel guilty Kai. It's not your fault." My voice and tone were calmer and more collected. "She has a tendency to do these types of things."

"It's not just guilt. I'm worried. Ki is smart but sometimes she doesn't think things through all the way. I'm afraid that the Ki we are going to save, isn't going to be the same Ki we know. I've had plenty of time to look into her curse. They never told her, but our parents knew I was alive. They told me everything about their beliefs about Ki being a black wolf. The curse placed on her is triggered by one thing. The one thing Ki always believes..."

"That it's her fault." I finish. Everyone looks at each other. Ravyn has a solemn look while Peter and Drew looked confused. I mind-link with them telling them I would explain it later.

"Yea. The more she believes the stronger the darkness gets. If she tries to fight or hold it in, it gets worse and stronger."

"But she can break that curse as long as she kills Henry, right?" Ravyn asks, now doubting Ki's hypothesis.

Kai just shakes his head slowly, "Not necessarily. However, her curse isn't to right the wrongs done to the ancient black wolves. But, instead, the curse is referring to her present life. You see, it was the Moon's and Cage's who wiped out the black wolves. But, it was the Cage's who persuaded the Moon's in that awful direction. Give me a nod if you're following my drift."

I nod slightly. If the true enemies were the Cage's then... I gasp, "She has to kill Hunter! Because she saved him, right?"

"Exactly. If he had been executed, I whole-heartedly believe the curse wouldn't have taken effect. For the past several centuries, the Moon's have been trying to exterminate the Cage's, so when our dad took Hunter in, he thought he could help raise him to be better, to not give in to his centuries-old bloodlust. But, that didn't work. Nothing can stop instinct. And when Ki saved him, she unknowingly activated the curse. So to break it, she needs to not only kill Hunter, but she also needs to accept that none of this is her fault. And that is going to be the most difficult part."

"I agree. She's stubborn to no bounds, and won't listen to reason. But still, we should be prepared in case Ki isn't all there when we go get her-"

"Hey guys, someone's trying to tamper with my spell," Ravyn interjects. Her brows furrow and then jump in shock, "Whoever was messing with it, they just stopped so suddenly. It's not normal."

"Has to be Kiara's doing," Drew adds. We all nod. I let out a deep breath.

"I just wish Ki got to hear all this before... Why didn't you tell her when you met?" I look at Kai with anger.

He looks bad sadly, "Because I didn't think this would happen. I thought we would've had more time to talk."

I take a deep breath. This isn't the time to be angry. "Ok. Let's start planning our strategy before they decide to leave since they know we can track her. The sooner we get this done, the better."


Hunter's POV

I can't believe how pathetic she is with just a bit of mercury. Granted silver is deadly to me, but I survived. Granted I still can't see out of my left eye, but whose fault was that really?

"Preparations are ready, Sir." Garrett pulls up next to me.

My smile turns into a smirk, "Perfect. Let's begin the coup."

He heads off in the opposite direction while I continue towards Henry's room. After a minute of silence, I knock on his door.

"Come in."

The door creaks as I open it and then push it closed.

"What do you want?"

"Sir, it seems that a riot has started out front," I reply calmly.

"Then as Beta, you can deal with it."

"I tried, but they wouldn't listen, they need their Alpha, Sir."

He grunts begrudgingly but nonetheless gets up to follow me. Perfect.

As we walk at a decent pace to the front, I ask him about Kiara, "What do you plan to do with the girl?"

"At this moment, I'm not entirely sure. She's smart and seems like she will be difficult to crack."

Is he serious? Alpha, my ass. This guy is incompetent, just like Father said. Moon's are so easily swayed. They are gullible and easily manipulated. Forget manipulation, none should still exist with their weak minds.

I step in front and open the door for him. He walks through saying nothing. Dick.

"What's this I hear about..." His voice booms and begins to lower once he sees the whole picture. About 20 of his men, that were still loyal to him, are being held with some type of silver weapon against them. He turns to me, "Cage, what is the meaning of this?"

"Whatever do you mean? Are you so clueless, that you couldn't even sniff out the possibility of a backstabbing?" I pull out a gun, cock it, and motion for him to turn back around. He's not even putting up a fight. How pathetic. "You're going to watch as the pack you so desperately wanted disintegrates before your very eyes." I place the barrel right at the back of his skull. I use my left hand and release a loud snap. One by one, his weak men fall. The silver keeps them from healing and poisons them at the same time. How convenient. I whispered to Henry, "Thank you for taking me in and giving me the power I so desperately deserved and craved." I drop my claws and in one quick motion, Henry's trachea is in my hand. "Huh, I'm having serious déjà vu." I shrug it off as I put the gun down and shift. I watch as he grabs his missing throat and can't help but laugh inside. I bare my fangs before clamping them around what's left of his neck. His blood coats my tongue and teeth fueling my desire and strength as I violently jerk his head from his body. Each jerk sends a loud crunch through my ears and more blood spills out. Finally, his head is thrown from his body.

Once satisfied with this quick decapitation, I stand and feel this new power wash over me. Strength flows through me and I can feel the authority I now command. I shift back and find my men kneeling. I stand close to the railing, a grim plastered on my face as I hear them cheer, "Alpha Hunter!"

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