Chapter 31: I don't know Nathan, my boyfriend

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Chapter 30 Cy

I woke up the next morning to beheld myself covered with a duvet on a bed, I jumped up immediately and my phone fell down.

Christ! I slept off whilst trying to call Bethel, what if the Nurse's found out I'm missing and have contacted my family. I guess they haven't cause by now I'm sure my phone would have gone dead due to the countless calls that will be storming it but Its miracle that none of them has caused awareness.

I walked into the bathroom to clean up and when I was true I stepped out, Nathan was nowhere to be found and it was beginning to bother me. It's been two hours now that I'm awake still he's not back yet, my stomach rumbled for food and I went to his kitchen to make myself some.

I later settled for ceareal and milk, I got busy with myself and when I was done eating I decided to take a stroll in his house. I walked back into his room and noticed a big drawer, my fingers itched to open it out and they did. "Wow." I lgasp as piles of romantic books glimpsed my eyes.

I picked out the one I think to be most interesting and laid back down on the bed, whiling away time with the book. I was half way through the book when a phone started ringing, disrupting my heavenly moment. I ignored it and continued with the book but immediately the call ended another came in sizzling me out of the story world. I groaned tirelessly, taking my eyes everywhere if I can see the phone ringing. I saw it on the dresser and stretched my hand to pick if up.

Oh, he probably might have skipped him to take his phone along. I will just mute it. I brought the phone to my face and was about putting it on silent when a very disturbing message popped in, my eyes instantly grew wide as I strained them levelly to be sure I was seeing correctly.

Suddenly, the phone started beeping again this time non stop, I got really tired and decided to pick at the next ring. The call came in again and as said, I answered. "Do not take this call again if Nathan is not there." A bittered spit venom man ladhed at me. Actually I don't know how he got to know that it is t Nathan, how would he know when I said nothing. I opened my mouth to say something but it just let out tiny gasp and the call ended as soon as it came.

I just twirled the phone in my hands, I have a huge feeling that something is not right but I'm not yet certain what it really is. I decided to prey into his messages maybe I can know something about him there. I drew his pattern and unlocked the phone, clicked message and the first message I read was very stoic. I saw a lot of disturbing messages, people requesting for drugs, organs and other illicit things. Of a truth I was stunned for some minutes, I couldn't bring myself to fathom where any of those messages came from as they all had unknown names.

As I scroll through his phone I was suprised at the numerous numbers on his contact, messages and pictures, he has so many of those things internet addicts have and I'm beginning to think if I ever know Nathan. He has so many friends yet he acts alone, he's so secret about his past or anything that has to do with him. Is he not been too selfish now, he knows everything about me, befriends my friends but deprive me of doing same. It later dawn on me that I know nothing about whom I call my boyfriend, from his family down to his friends, I know zilch.

Just then I heard the door creaked, and me being in this awkward position couldn't move, I just let my eyes ranvage into his as he walked in. "Hey, you're awake." He muffled, "I had to go do something, are you okay?" He was now very close to me, his eyes staring into my drenched face.

"Yeah," I fluttered my eyes at him, trying to hide the fear glooming on my face. Slowly, he averted his gaze from mine and brought it down to my hands, I shut my eyes gidily and pushed the phone into his hands with a silly reply. "It kept ringing and I had to think so I told the caller-" I was still saying when he smashed the wall behind me.

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