Chapter 32; Family was what i needed.

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"So just so you know clarrisa," mum started at the middle of our breakfast. We were having bread toast for breakfast and we've all been silent till Mum broke the silence.

"some people will be here this morning to take you back to the psychiatric hospital"

my heart did a sudden leap making me choke on my food. I coughed severely, mum and dad just watched me like I was shooting a movie. I'd to help myself with water.

"But mum do I really need to go back there? I mean I'm perfectly okay. Yes I may had acted weird for the past few weeks but can't you see I'm trying to prove myself that I'm fine? A lunatic wouldn't know how to prepare breakfast right" I chose my words carefully, putting on a pleading facade.
Ever since I came back from the psychiatric more like ran away, she's been on the heat of taking me back there.

"Keep talking but I wasn't asking for your opinion actually. You weren't properly discarded so you'll have to go back whether you like it or not and unless the physician confirm that you are mentally sane, then you'll remain under medical supervision." Mum asserted with a stern look on her face.

Aside from the fact that I dread what will happen should I skip another round of that demonic game, I really don't want to be tied up on some hospital bed looking all miserable. I mean after everything I've went through, the least I wanted is to be stuck up in some hospital bed, I can't even imagine the torture of the few days I stayed in that place.

It just brought back every memory I'd been trying to hurl in the abyss. For those few nights, I kept hearing horrible voices in my heads. Flashes of all the good times I've spent with Xavier and the rest of my dead friends settled in my head, it was as if they found the best place to consume me and honestly it's definitely not something I wanted to experience again.

but still how can I tell my parents about this huh? Wouldn't that justify thier claims that I'm really going insane?

The only person I would have talked to is my father, he's the one who always listens to me but right now, after all the disappointment and pains I've cost him, he too will likely cast me out just like mum and to justify that, dad didn't say a word. He just continued eating his food in silence.

After having breakfast with my parents, I went down to my room. The first thing my hands reached for was my phone. I expected to Meet message notifications from at least three poeple.

One, Nathan who haven't called or test ever since I left him yesterday and then that bastard gamer. I know this is absurd but I can't help but panic over why I haven't heard anything from him.

What prank is he playing? I left that hospital solely because I wanted to get this game over with.

Not like I want to continue the game either but I still can't help but think he's planning something, maybe this time around something that'll completely breaks me but whatever it is, it better not involve anyone dying cause I'm so sick of it.

I'm now like a deadly virus people tends to run away from. I mean even my own parents wills to dump me off in some hospital.
With the excuse of being a lunatic that I'm not, my own boyfriend keeping secrets from me.

Only a fool wouldn't know how to read between the lines that he doesn't want me to get involve with his personal affair, whatver he's doing for me is obviously out of pity and bethel too, no matter how she tries to hide it I know she's afraid of me.

She would have gotten rid of me if not that she pities me which of course I wouldn't hold any grudge against her, cause I'm a threat to everyone's lives.

And then most especially there's Mark. As impossible as this sounded, I really hope bethel was right that he really doesn't hate me. I expected to meet his message maybe proposing for us to make up but the more I reflect on how he had gave me cold shoulders in that game house and how he exposed me to my parents, really hurts a lot. Mark use to be like that over protective brother who'll cover for me at all cost.

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