Chapter 30: The worst cold shoulders.

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I stepped out of the car and walked towards Nathan's house, I was about knocking the door when it went open and he popped out his head, a smile lurking on his face.

"Did you see me while I was coming?" I had to ask because him coming out like that was new, he must have seen me while I was walking here.

"Nop!" He popped, "I wanted to check if you were not here yet." He blurted and pushed the door wide open so I could come in.

"How are you feeling?" He asked behind me and I just gave him a thumbs up and settled down in a couch. "You sounded urgent on the phone." I raised my brows and he nodded then shuffled into a chair.

"Yeah, how is your health? Bethel told me what happened."

"I was never sick Nathan, I just happened to be there for wrong reasons and I'm noy going back there." I told him matter of factly. Mom had did me a terrible thing by bringing me there but I get it, it was a small misunderstanding, I was the one behaving weird.

"That's good, I was missing you." He cooily, causing my cheeks to heat up.

"I missed you too, but why didn't you ever come to visit. I always thought the person opening the door but you never showed up." His brows creased, a little frown climbed on his forehead as he run his tongue down his lips.

"I am so sorry, you know how I get when I'm in places like that, it sick me off." He wasked his tongue levelly, "but you're here now what about we hang out, what do you say?"

I can't. I am here for a mission, I just wanted to grab the phone and go back to the hospital without been noticed.

"Clarissa." His eyes dwelved mine, spooking his coolness into my innocence. I shook my head in disapproval but when he intertwined our fingers I couldn't held back, it sent tingling feelings into my stomach. "Please, I just want to spend sometime with you." His eyes pleaded and I was dumbfounded for a minute.

"I - okay, that would be nice."

I told Bethel about the new development and of-course I asked her if she will follow she said no, that she had to go drop her dad's car before he noticed, I had no choice than to let her go.

Nathan has been really understanding of late or should I say my friends are really understanding people? Well I enjoy his company more and him taking me out is a really nice gesture.

"Are you okay?" His warm voice asked and I sprung my head in a nod, he squeezed on a smile and faced the road.

We are on a cab, heading to somewhere fun as he had said, he didn't tell me the place but I believe him already cause of the way his smiles are geniune. Indeed God gave me a innocent boyfriend and I am here trying to avoid a certain calamity from happening.


"We are here...." He said in a sing song voice and I giggled softly, staring out the car window. The car halted few meters away from the building and we came out abruptly heading into the building.

I stared around, my eyes searching every nooks but still I saw no sign post and that only grew my curiosity. "What is this place?" My brows were drawn as I suddenly clung onto his shoulder.

"It's a place you will love." He tisked and I am just so anxious to know.

The place look kinda cracky and old school and it's called a fun place? Where's the fun in it? "But do we really need to be here," he turned to look at me, his gaze tensed, "I mean, I don't think there's any fun here." I managed to voice out.

"Trust me. I'm not taking you to a creapy place, I've been here a couple of times and believe me when I say it's gonna be fun." He said sincerely, he took my hand and hold it tight, his eyes bored into mine, assuringly. I followed his eyes and so the patience that it held, he was being careful with me, the fear of being caught here slowly left me. I tightened my grip and smiled at him, the corner of his lips curved into a smirk, he pushed me into him causing my heart to jump. My lashes were now very heavy for me to flutter, I just kept them straight as I stared at his lips, my breathe itching every now and then.

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