Chapter 8: Zayn's shocking death.

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I'm I seeing clearly now, 'you want me to dress in some dumbed way, FYI I've long quit playing your stupid Game' and that was the last thing I wrote before storming out of Facebook.

After school I spent my whole day running around with my scooter delivering clothes to customers. Dad had promised to give me his credit card to shop for a costume and this is the prize I have to pay for it.

I left the shop by mid evening to shop for a costume and Zayn kept bleary my ears to get me a munchkin vest. I should have ran away when dad begged me to take him along.


It was Halloween night and you could see people patrolling around the streets with their different costumes. I dropped Zayn at our neighbors and fed him with the 'do not collect chocolates' story, he absolutely fell for it, cause his face crumpled up after I gave him chocolates.

"No, I don't want." His tiny voice panicked and I cupped his face into my hand. "you will accept my chocolates because I'm your sister, take one every 30 minutes and you will be fine, okay." He nodded duffley and I ruffled his hair.

"Go now, let me watch you go." He smiled and waved me goodbye and left with his friend.

"I'm set, come pick me up." I said to Mark, he called to know where I was.

He drove in and we left.

At the party I strained my eyes around trying to get a glimpse of the design the unknown user talked about but It was of no use cause I saw nothing.

I said it that this game was a sham but no one believed me.

I got home by midnight and dropped by my neighbors to get Zayn home but I was told he had left already.

Might have felt sleepy. I thought and traced my feets into the house. All I could think of at that moment was to go in, have my shower and sleep but I was met with a shocker immediately when I pulled the door open.

"Zayn you should be sleeping, what are you doing with my phone, give it to me now." I yelled immediately I regained myself.

"Zayn, I'm not playing." I said walking towards him but he kept running around. "Stop right there or I'll hit you with a pillow." I told him but he opened his small teeths at me sticking out his tongue.

"Get me if you can." He said, running around with chuckles.

He thinks this is a game right, well let's play. I rushed towards him and tried grabbing his shirt but he dodged this making me slip.

"Urghhhh!" I gritted my teeths and he laughed.

"C'mon, catch me." He mocked obviously deriving joy in watching me chase him. Well I'm gonna catch you soon bro.

I rushed to the bed and grasped a pillow, he screeched his eyes at me and laughed. "You think that's gonna touch me?"

"Let's see." I muttered and threw the pillow at him, just when the pillow was about hitting his head he slipped and fell.

"Hahaha, I got you, teaser." I celebrated and rushed to collect my phone before he stood up but as I snatched the phone from his hand it dropped in some kinda weird way.

I took the hand again and dropped it and again it fell loosely. What happened to him? A shot of panic centered around me as conniption gripped me. I hope it's not what I think, a faint gasp escaped my lips and I screamed.


My mom rushed in, I couldn't even make a move or sound, I just lay there like a heap of sand staring at my brother's corpse. Hell! I couldn't still believe that had happened, he can't really be dead right?

It was just a brace from a pillow not that it had actually hit him, how is it that he is dead, it's not possible, it's not.. I scrutinized his face waiting for him to say 'got you!' and then I would spank his ass or tweak his ears but the longer I waited for this to happen the longer it took.

Tears built up in my eyes threatening to fall, I felt a hand snuck through my back. I strained my neck backwards and met my mum. She had tears streaming down her cheeks, her hands trembling as she bent down to hold me. "Mum." I sniveled and she cupped my cheeks into her palm saying soothing words to me.

"I didn't do it, I didn't.. do it." My eyes pleaded, she nodded with a quiver and hugged me to her chest. My hands wrapped around her as I watched my dad and other men pull the small body of Zayn into a stretcher and rolled him away.

My eyes were blinded with tears as I watched the ambulance drive away, whimpering wasn't solving anything so I just let the tears flow freely from my eyes. My dad ignited the car and I was scooped into the back sit and we trailed behind the ambulance.

We waited patiently for the doctor's arrival but I guess my dad wasn't patient enough as he kept walking down the ward Zayn was, my mom was praying fervently with her palm joined together and I just stared out tears snobbing in the building tension.

Shortly, the doctor walked in and we rushed to meet him. He asked my parents a few questions and they answered but I was too weak to listen as all I wanted to hear was that Zayn is fine. My mom tapped me slightly and I snapped my face to look at her, she narrowed her eyes at the doctor and I did the same.

"What happened to him?" Suddenly my mouth couldn't form words, I just stood rooted to a spot with my eyes wearing out.

"How did it happen?" His voice came again and this time I answered.

"He took my phone and I chased him around the room, getting bored of not being able to catch him. I threw him a pillow and he slipped." I said with tiny gulps and whimpers.

The doctor sighed softly, his eyes held sadness and we looked at him immediately, raising questioning brows. "He had a few fragments on his brain and a bone spasm, we tried all we could but we failed."

And that was how my world collapsed, my ears became numb and the only voices I heard were Zayn chucklings. I threw my hands to my ears, pressing it with all my strength as I let out a blaring scream.

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