Chapter 3: reviews of the game.

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Xavier looks at her and then burst into feet of laughter obviously seeing the horror in bethel's face.

"Well, yeah that's right I was just trying to pull a leg." He shrugs earning a glare from bethel.

"Unfortunately you didn't choose the right prank." I retorted rolling my eyes.

"Whatever. By the way have you guys tried playing the game?" He asks.

"I wouldn't even think of that. first of all I'm not good with games and I still love my dear life okay" bethel replied him.

"Well that's why they won't even think of approaching girls in the first place." He said superciliously. technically implying that we girls are weakling which is just getting on my nerves

"What if I say I've been approached?"

And I regretted saying that because bethel picks interest in it asking questions as to how, when, where I was approached and who? I had no choice than to spend a good amount of my time telling them about the stranger of yesterday.

Bethel strictly warns me not to play while Xavier urges me to and me having a mind of my own stuck to my own decisions.

As soon as I was done eating I left both of them to continue bickering about the game while I headed for class.

There was few students in class as we are still on lunch break. So I slide out a Novel from my locker to keep my self company when a voice stole my attention from The back.

"Clarrisa," I turn back and was met with Nathan's Emerald green eyes.

Just whom I had expected as he's the only in that sits behind me. Talk about a jealous boyfriend

"Uh hi Nate" I smiled.

"You didn't tell me you left for the cafe" he said quietly.

"Well, I'm sorry but you were no where to be found." I enthused and he didn't say anymore word but suddenly chuckled out of the blue. Frowning and puzzled, I followed his gaze and he was staring at my hair.

"Since when did you start adorning your hair with flowers?" He answered the questioning look on my face.

"What?" I frowned and my hand flew to my hair rousing it till I felt something in my hair. Bringing it down, I discovered it was a stem Of flower. Which obviously was from those roses from Xavier.

"That prick..." I muttered curling the flowers in my palm.

"What was that?" Xavier raised an eye brow.

"I'm very sure it was Xavier who sneaked this into my air." I said casually before I could process what I just said, rage crosses Nathan face instantly.

But before he could speak, I immediately tells him not to worry that Xavier was just pulling some sort of trick on me that he joined in the game and he's scared he'll lose me so he gave me the flowers as compensation I guess. Nathan's expression softens a bit as a ghost of smile appears across in his face. "And you believed him?"

"Off course not. I know he's joking and Even though it was true he played the game I have nothing to be scared about. All those are just rumors you know." I said with a small laugh to lesson the tesion.

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