Chapter 17: Shoot! Another murder to the list

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Chapter written by fetygrace.

What do you do when you are tossed into a life and death situation just because of your parents stupid strict policy?

Well I'll call my situation now a life or death tournament cause if I loose someone again, its sure going to kill me, I don't care who ever it is but I'll die if someone dies.

And I swear I'll hunt down the woman I call my mother because this is all on her.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

The door has been drumming at every intervals but I paid deaf ears.

"Clarrisa stop this madness of yours and open the door." That was dad's voice. "Come out of your room now!" Dad voice was laced with both anger and concern.

He's been saying that for the untempt time now while I kept pushing him away. I don't know what I wanted now, but I definitely know I can't face anyone I'll rather be left alone. I needed some time to think. Thankfully Today is weekend and I've been in my room all day. Literally loosing brain cells with the thought of who will die next.

Worst part is that I can't even reach any one of my friends.

Dashing my gaze over to the wall clock, I discover it's 6pm already. Wow!! 6pm and I've been slumped under the covers tossing myself here and there.

"Clarrisa come out now or you might starve yourself to death" dad's voice was completely (soft.) Well maybe starving to death is what I needed to end this misery.

Ignoring dad once more, I tottered towards the restroom. Leaning on the sink, I gazed at the reflection of myself on the mirror. My hair was a total mess, bags under my eyes and my eyes red and puffy.

Taking my face under the running tap, I washed my face and came back to the room. I met dad standing at the door now staring at me. He has the spare key in his hands.

"Dad" I muttered biting my nails.

"Now are you going to explain to me why you've locked yourself up in your room all day completely ditching me?" He deadpanned, staring intensely at me. "Is it because your phone was taken away from you or is there something I need to know? I mean what's so important in your phone that you'll want to starve yourself all day?"

Everything about it, is important!!

I was trying to save everyone's life dad but No your incompetent wife decided to show off her strict policy at the very wrong time.

I wish I could scream that out.

Silence sliced the air for a long while, dad gaze suddenly felt like Niddles piercing through my soul the more he stare the more the thought of loosing my dearest father multiplied and that double my rage for Mum. I opened my mouth, I knew a sound came out of it but couldn't fathom it.

"Anyways," dad sighs "when you are ready to eat, your food is at the dining I've got some work to do." Sometimes I really just can't find the right words to explain how much I love this man, he may not
Know how much he's saved me by not trying to force words out of my mouth. He gave me a small smile and a gentle pat on my shoulder then left.

After having late dinner alone , I was back in my room. I decided to run some calculations on mathematics to help me forget about my problems for the mean time. few minutes into it, Mum barged into my room. She was on a blue cooperate suits, probably just coming back from work. I rolled my eyes at the sight of her and continue what I was doing. Instead of her to flare up, she starts with her self guilty drama or whatever you call it.

"Baby I know you are still upset with me about what I did yesterday. But believe me baby I only did that cause I want the best for you. Exams are fast approaching. You should be caught studying not operating your phone at the middle of The night." She says, soothing my hair.

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