Sweet Kiss

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He needed a kiss.

Just one damn kiss before she leaves. His leg was bouncing at a rapid pace as he sat in class staring at his gorgeous teacher.

She was speaking about something but he couldn't concentrate on what she was truly saying. Her sweet tone sang to him like a lullaby but it did nothing to help the dire situation he was in.

He was feeling antsy, how long has it been since he's touched her? Too long! It wasn't even about sex either. He just wanted to touch her and be close to her. Feel her warmth and softness. Be able to really be with her and be his true self. To shower her in affection.

In class his motives were always hidden, he couldn't openly speak to her.

Their love language is hidden.

"Ms. Hyuga I need help with this..." - I need you near me.

"Mr. Uzumaki you should know how to do this. But I suppose I'll show you another way."- you shouldn't be calling me but I want to be near you.

"Ms. Hyuga when can we take a break?" -Sit down so you can text me.

"We will take a break when you pass this class with all a's."-I'll text you later.

"Cya Ms. Hyuga."- I'll miss you

"Don't get into trouble."- I'll miss you too.

His inner desire was suppressed greatly. He was about to burst. It was like being in a long-distance relationship but the person was right in front of you. Just out of reach. Like an invisible force field stopping him from getting to her.

There wasn't anything in his way. If he really really really wanted to say to hell with everything he could just walk up to her and kiss her- that would then trigger a very undesirable chain reaction and then poof his teacher would be gone.

That thought had him pulling at his hair, she's just - right there. She's here. She's his dammit! But he couldn't claim her yet, not openly anyway.

How fucking frustrating.

He scribbled in his planner writing the number of days until graduation. Each day he'd write it in his book, making his friends laugh about it. They just thought he was excited about graduation so he could leave school. He was... Just for another reason. One more important than that anyway!

Phone calls and text messages were the best he could get.

Yet he was yearning for her, he needed her. He was too damn starved. He wasn't going to survive.

"Alright, class please get started reading over the weekend." Hinata passed out hardcover books.

He was pulled from his thoughts when she stepped into his row. He felt his heart flutter as she came to his desk. He grabbed the book from her hand touching her slightly.

That was it that was all he was awarded as she exit his atmosphere only to pass by again 100 years from now.

His life was truly a tragedy!

"Please finish all questions for chapters one and two by the next class. You are dismissed."

A chorus of 'yes ma'am' sounded through the class but it quickly ended in excited chatter. Friday energy filled the room as everyone began to leave her class.

Her students have swept away but Shikamaru stopped by her desk, "Thank you for the cupcake." he bowed slightly as she smiled.

"Of course Mr. Nara..." as she spoke to him she caught her blonde leaving but she didn't let her eyes linger for long, returning them to her sleepy student. "Did you finish it already?" she asked surprised.

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