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Hinata let out a nervous laugh-

He- who was he? Did he know-

Then she snorted with a raised brow, "Who?"

Gaara tsked at her shaking his head as he wagged a teasing finger. "The guy- the one you were talking about."

Hinata smacked her lips while shrugging her shoulders, "What are you talking about? He's not here."

Well, he didn't know WHO was there with them, but she couldn't let him know anyone was there. It was best to feign ignorance.

Gaara rolled his eyes, "I'm not dumb Hinata. The sleeping in late- forgetting we had a tutor session today. As soon as you didn't come to the door Kankuro immediately knew something was wrong. You're too- perfect acting. You aren't some airhead."

Hinata scoffed at the weird compliment, "I make mistakes too Gaara. I'm a human being, not a robot. I came home extremely late last night... from my family's gathering that was nearly four hours away. Of course, I'd oversleep."

"Okay- but what's with the sex hair?" Gaara crossed his arms leaning back with a cocky raise of his eyebrow.

"G-Gaara! I had a rough night!"

He clicked his tongue as if catching her in a lie but before he could say anything she shot her hands up to stop his comment.


The redhead chuckled backing away in defeat, "Okay okay..."

The microwave dinged giving Hinata a perfect excuse to exit this conversation, swinging around she opened the microwave to grab her treat. She wanted to breathe a sigh of relief but she could not relax until Gaara was GONE.

Swiftly walking around her kitchen she fixed herself some tea, "Are you done? Your nap time is ticking."

"Okay... so if he's not here... then what about the fresh hickeys on your chest."

Hinata nearly choked on her saliva, her eyes darted down to her chest catching the red marks just barely visible upon her breast- new ones along with the old ones.


"THAT- that that was not today!" Hinata nervously laughed bringing her tea to her lips.

"So if I go upstairs I won't find him?" A mischievous grin touched his lips as Hinata gave him a death glare.

"Don't you-"

Before she could finish her words he was sprinting out of her kitchen making her scream. She ran forward slamming her teacup on the counter spilling it all over the place. Stumbling out of the kitchen she ran to catch up to the redhead boy who was going for her steps.


But then he took a swift turn and flew over the couch with a laugh.

"Just kidding." Gaara stuck his tongue out as he got comfortable on the couch, cocooning himself in her pink blanket.

"Y-You-" Hinata panted leaning against the wall. Her heart was beating rapidly nearly bursting out of her chest. The devious redhead laughed at her demise enjoying her overdramatic reaction. If only he knew how serious this situation was. "HA- HA- very funny." Hinata pouted going into the kitchen to grab her tea and her honey bun.

She cleaned up the mess she made as Gaara taunted her in the living room knowing damn well her 'secret' guest was upstairs. Most likely listening.

"It's okay I don't want to see his small dick anyways!"

Hinata raised a brow coming into the living room so she could sit across from her rambunctious visitor.

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