The Boy with Green Eyes

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Naruto couldn't stop the permanent grin on his face. He felt like a kid in a candy shop. He walked out of the gym as Guy called out a goodbye. The warm sun beamed upon him as he walked to the black mustang, his moody friend looking at him with annoyance.

"What took you so long," Sasuke spoke with a shade of annoyance. His friend hated to wait. Before he could even close the door the boy was already driving off.

"You really aren't patient." Naruto leaned his seat back throwing his arms behind his head. He wasn't going to let the emo snuff out his fire.

"I am patient. I just don't tolerate your lack of formality with anything. How do you survive?"

Naruto just laughed heartedly, usually, he had a jab to send his way but the kid really was in a good mood. Sasuke raised a brow as he looked at the goofy blonde in his seat, the car slowing down as he stopped at a red light.

"What's this about?"

"Hm?" Naruto rubbed his fingers together in front of his face, the same ones that were touching upon his naughty teacher. His eyes trained on them, trying to visualize the woman as she quivered under his touch. "Oh. I just know how I am going to play with this little bunny. If she thinks she can just toy with me- I will show her how sharp these foxes fangs are." Naruto turned his head to give Sasuke a toothy grin.

"That's the most poetic shit I have ever heard you say."

"Fuck you-lights green."

Sasuke 'tsked' as he stepped on the gas.

" you really think she was telling the truth?" Sasuke leaned his head to the side in thought. He enjoyed analyzing people who were interesting to him. Ms. Hyuga was interesting. He wasn't interested in her romantically- but interested in her in different ways. Just like his baka best friend. Weird people made life exciting. On top of that, she was surprisingly smart.

"What do you mean?"

"How she said it wasn't an accident-"

"It's what she said." Naruto sat up to glare at him.

Sasuke rolled his eyes, "Okay- but you do know what a lie is right? A lie is when someone-"

"I know what a lie is teme! She didn't want anything to do with me."

"Yeah sure- but she seems to care about you. She had been asking about you every day. I think... she wanted you to show up."

"Right right. Just how you said Sakura liked me so you could laugh at my failed attempts. Seriously you should become a scientist, I bet you'd love to toy with little mice that run through mazes."

Sasuke smirked, he couldn't say anything to that comment because it was quite true.

"You are sick." Naruto shook his head, the car finally pulling up to a white house.

"Says the person who stalks our teacher."

Naruto shrugged nonchalantly. "I wanted to see where she lived."

The door to the house opened as two figures walked out seemingly in an argument.

"I'm just saying Gaara- You need to take this seriously." The man walked out with a look of concern on his face, he stopped in front of his bother with his feet planted.

Naruto and Sasuke didn't know the man too much but they were aware that he was family- and a drug dealer.

"I told you I will go. Can you leave now." Gaara looked at the man with no emotion in his green eyes.

"Gaara. You need to make sure you are taking care of yourself. Have you been sleeping?"

Gaara said nothing as he looked away from his brother at the car that arrived. He waved at them as he returned his attention to his annoyed relative.

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