Morning Dew

774 31 104

It was over.

Her torture was finally over.

She could see the double doors slowly approach her as her father drawled on about something she really didn't care about. At this point, he was a broken record and all she could do was zero in on her escape. It was just a few feet away.

"Do you understand me Hinata?" He stopped in front of her making her internally scream.

"Yes, father. I will work on it. I'm trying my best." Her eyes settled on his but truly they were looking behind him.


Freedom until next month!

"I don't think you truly understand." He grumbled seeing as though she was not paying attention. "You say you do but then you further disappoint your family. You do not wish to be a burden do you?"

"No father. Of course not." Hinata was so excited to leave, his words did not affect her. It was the same old same old.

"So then from this moment forward I expect to see you put in more effort. More than what you are doing now. Can you do that for me?"

"Absolutely." Hinata nodded with a bow. Did that finish it?

"No. Enough with words Hinata. I need action. What is your action plan? What are you going to do to turn your life around."

Hinata wanted to huff and puff, he was making this so difficult. "Father... I will... look into going back to school. I will ask Hanabi what I need to do for the doctor's program."

Hiashi breathed deeply as if calculating how true those words were.

They were true. She would ask Hanabi about it- yet she knew that she wouldn't help. Why in the world would her sister ever want to help her? It was true... on her part.

"Since you are having a hard time I will speak to her for you."

Damn- that was not what she wanted him to say. Yet it was possibly the same outcome but extra steps. Hanabi will try to make it seem like she was helping her and when she fails she would blame it on Hinata's incompetencies rather than her shallow service.

"Very well. Thank you for having me, father."


That was the goodbye.

As Hinata walked out into the night light, she breathed a sigh, a huge smile gracing her lips. She picked up her kimono so she could walk faster, nearly scurrying over the pavement.



She was nearly out the gate- nearly- Hinata kept walking, not allowing any stutter to her step. She could pretend- pretend she didn't hear anything. Truthfully whoever was calling her possibly didn't need much. She didn't have important business with anyone.

Her ride was right out front, the vehicle nearly in her reach.

She nodded to the gentleman that held her door open as she slipped inside. Shutting the door she slid her phone out of her kimono, clicking on her messages.

Before the car took off the other side of the door opened and Neji slid in swiftly closing the door. He looked at her with indifference but there was a hint of anger in his eyes, the corners creasing ever so slightly.

Well, this was a load of-

"Did you not hear me?"

Hinata gasped in 'shock', "I'm sorry- did you call me?"

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