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Author note: Hohoho~ I'm not finished writing 💅.
Also there were a lot of mistakes last chapter. I guess I'm getting a little too excited to publish these but I'm going to try to fix any mistakes I can so sorry for that!

On the outside Hinata looked as cool as a cucumber, but Naruto has seen this before. He was no fool.

Hinata moved around swiftly but with a hyper-focus on each task. As if concentrating on anything else would occupy her panicking mind enough to get through this. Her anxiety is at an all-time high.

Naruto said nothing as he sat on the edge of the bed and watched his scurrying teacher move back and forth. She was damn gorgeous in her kimono. Seeing it in person was... Wow. The camera didn't do her justice. If they weren't in their current situation he would have had to do something about his hardened manhood that didn't know right from wrong.

He couldn't believe his horniness knew no bounds when it came to Hinata.

'Not now...' he mentally battled with his cock which had a mind of its own. She was too fucking beautiful for her own good. 'Think gross stuff think gross stuff think gross stuff...whew,' He sighed finally feeling himself soften.

At his sudden sigh, Hinata stuttered in her steps and stopped to look at him. Her big eyes were wide and confused, lips slightly parted looking like an innocent deer in headlights - good gracious- the bloodshot right back to his dick.

"What's wrong?" She questioned.

"Uh..." Naruto reached for a pillow and put it in his lap. "N-nothing... Are you... okay...?" Naruto questioned.

"I'll be fine." With that statement Hinata continued on her path like a robot back in action, finishing the task at hand.

Naruto did not like that. She was shutting him out. Shutting him out of her world. Quiet robotic Hinata... Made him hurt. That hurt made his hard-on completely go away.

He stood up, stopping within her path. "Hina..."

Hinata looked up at him with the same confused stare, "What's wrong Naruto, I have to get ready."

She moved around him but he grabbed her arm swiftly, "I'm sorry!"

Hinata shook her head, "It's fine Naruto..."

"I shouldn't have ever asked for the painting... It's my fault. So if you want to hit me punch me or whatever I understand. Please do..." Naruto muttered the last part under his breath. It was like she wasn't even alive right now. He needed her to breathe emotion, to do something.

Hinata noticed the searching look in his eyes. He hated the stone-cold mask of the Hyuga. She wore it well when she was on a mental breakdown. It was a natural defense mechanism.

The woman patted the blonde's hand gently, "I'm not mad at you Naruto..." She softened her voice turning around so she could give him her full attention. "I'm just a bit... flustered... This relationship we have... We've been getting dangerous... I mean, you are in my room right now... Someone could catch you here. Neji could very well be stalking me again..."

Naruto looked down rather defeated, "I know... I keep... Fucking up... I just... You are... My everything."

Hinata nodded sadly, "I know Naruto... You are my everything too... But we... Can't be seen together. Yet we keep pushing the boundaries. Thankfully I didn't put myself in that picture... But this was... Too close for comfort. We've been lucky thus far but at the rate we are going we may get caught before the year is even finished... And if that happens..."

Harmless AttractionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora