Chapter 7: Expose

Start from the beginning

I then pick up Blake, walk to the door opened it and I was about to throw Blake out until she hold on to my arms.

Blake: Wait wait, don't kick me out.

Vanitas: Give me a good reason not to.

Blake: Hm... I kept magic a secret from everyone.

Vanitas: But I didn't ask you to.

Blake: But if people know they might bother you to teach them.

Vanitas: *sigh* Get in.

She let go of my arm, she then jump on to my bed and curl up into a ball.

Vanitas: You really are like a cat.

I close the door and walk back to go to bed.

The next day Blake and I both awake early.

Vanitas: 5:30 AM. We will have enough time to help you to use spell.

Blake: Right so what will I have to learn first?

Vanitas: Since you affinity is dark and earth. I will help you learn dark elemental magic first.

A couple of hours went by as Blake holding her grimoire and read out the incantation.

Blake: Darkness gather, web of darkness, bind my foe in webbing, restrict their movement. Dark Web!

Blake shot out a black web, it sticked to the dummy.

Blake: I did it? I did it! I did it! I did it!

Vanitas: Only after 53 try, not bad.

I watch as Blake successfully manage to use her first spell. I look at the clock seeing it was 7:56 AM.

Vanitas: I think we should leave.


As Vanitas and Blake walk out from his room, two figure see them.

Nora: Is that Blake and Vanitas? Did she just come out from his room?

Ren: Are they dating?

Nora: Maybe, don't see them going far as a couple.

In Glynda's class Jaune was fight Cardin, he was losing badly.

Vanitas: He is so weak, I have no idea how he got into this school.

Blake continue to study with her grimoire while Vanitas lost interest in the one sided fight.

Vanitas: Maybe.

He pull out his grimoire and start read just like Blake.

Vanitas: Mana Manipulation.

He said with a quiet tone only Blake who was sitting next to him can hear him, she turn seeing a smile across his face.

Later that day in the cafeteria

Team RWBY and JNPR got their food and sat down. Nora was telling a story.

Nora: So, there we were... In the middle of the night...

Ren: It was day..

Nora: Well were surrounded by Ursai.

Ren: They were Beowolves.


Ren: Two of them...

Nora: But they were no match and in the end... Ren and I took them down and made a but load of Lien selling Ursa skin rugs!

Ren: She's been having this dream for month now.

Pyrrha: Jaune are you ok?

Jaune: Uh? Yeah! Why?

Ruby: You seem a little ... not okay.

Jaune: Guys, i'm fine. Look!

He then gives a fake smile

Pyrrha: Jaune Cardin's been picking on you since school started.

Jaune: Who? Cardin Winchester?

Jaune: Nah... He just likes messing around.

Ruby: He's a bully.

Jaune: Please, name on time he's "bullied" me.

Yang: First he knocked your books in the hall way. He then activated your shield and it got stuck in the door way.
He even put you in a locker and launched you out of the school.

Jaune: I didn't land that far from the school.

Pyrrha: Jaune, you know if need help you can always ask.

Nora: OOH! We'll break his legs!

Jaune: Guys really, it's fine. Besides, he's not a jerk to me, he's a jerk to everyone.

Nora: You do got a point.

Blake seem to look around for someone this caught Nora attention as she smiled.

Nora: Oh Blake looking for someone?

Blake: Uh, I was-

Nora: Miss Vanitas already? Didn't you spend the whole night with him.

Ruby crush her milk box while Blake face turn red realizing what Nora think she and him do all night.

Yang: Oh so the special guy is Vanitas?

Weiss: You actually spend time with that jerk!?

Blake: I-I-

Ruby: Blake tell me it's true? That every night you leave to go to Vanitas?

She was back to a corner and she didn't want to lie to her friends but she also didn't want to reveal Vanitas sercret.

Blake: I did.

The other look in shock while Ruby have fire in her eyes.

Blake: But he is kind, smart, a bit hard to deal with sometime but he have no interest in me.

Ruby: Really!?

Blake: Yeah.

Yang: Oooh then what did you two do together, huh?

Blake: We read book.

Weiss: Huh? Couldn't you just borrow them and bring them back to read?

Blake: I did but then I think about what he said, the theory that I have about him and so I decided to go keep him company.

Pyrrha: What did he say?

Weiss: Something about having no interest in people that would love him.

Ruby: How? How did you manage to do it?

Blake: Well I just said I will be staying with him and I was grab on to his body everytime he try to kick me out.

Later that night.

Vanitas: What's going on here?

Ruby: We will also be staying with you, thank you very much.

Yang: I just here to keep an eyes on my sister.

Blake: Sorry.

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