Chapter Eleven: Aftermath

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an eerie mist had settled in with the stillness of the forest. Deliah, Winnie and Colton had taken refuge underneath a webby network of gigantic birch roots. The mist's fingers had crept silently through the roots, closer to the wolf children. 

The wolf cubs were huddled together and as far away from the opening in the birch roots as possible. Winnie and Colton had fallen into a fitful sleep. But Deliah had remained awake. She didn't know for how long. Only that she had been awake since the howling and snarling had turned silent. Deliah was left with her thoughts and so many unanswered questions. 

Questions that might never get answered. She shook her head. Deliah couldn't think like that not now. But every second that turned into a minute and every minute that turned into an hour only added to her sense of dread. Something was wrong. She had tried to concentrate with shaky breathes and reach out to her parents but all she felt was a chilling darkness.  In fact the more Deliah had tried to find them the more she was filled with this never ending darkness. It was as if someone had doused her in an icy river or pond. It greedily leeched away her warmth and gave nothing in return. 

But the coldness didn't stop there. 

It was as if the whole energy of the forest had gone as icy and silent as a crypt. It had gotten to the point where Deliah become paralyzed as the cold laced its icy fingers around her throat. She had cried silently and frantically tried to pull her self back. She had succeeded. For the most part. Only a sliver of ice had managed to burrow itself deep in her heart.

Deliah had tried to sleep but her body hummed with unspent adrenaline and worry. Her siblings had run all the way here. And Winnie had done so carrying Deliah on her back. A feat that would take a toll  her sister no matter how fast she usually was. Colton had been on edge the whole journey. Ears flattened to his skull and his eyes had flashed a black, just like Papa's had when Alpha Twelve lunged at him. Though if Deliah was being honest his eye had started to go black when the other Alphas talked about his children. 

Papa had never mentioned why wolf's eyes did that. She would have to ask him. When...papa found her. Yes! he'd find them very soon and she would hug his great wolf form. Tears slid down her chilled mist cheeks. Right? Papa would peek through the roots of the great birch tree and lick their faces and tell her everything was going to be okay. The little girl shivered and huddled closer to Colton's side for warmth. She buried her tear-stained cheeks into his warm fur and shut her eyes.


Who are you? A voice asked in the darkness.

Deliah looked around her but all she could see was blackness. She had the vague sense that she was gently floating through this vague darkness. Her arms were out on either side of her as if she were floating in a pond and not some void of darkness. 

Who are you? Deliah asked.

 I asked you first, girl. Barked the voice and Deliah felt a chill creeping into her bones. Just like the chill she had felt throughout the forest.

My name is Deliah. Not girl. 

Hmmm. Deliah what a nice name.



Don't you have a name?  Deliah asked as she continued to float in the nothingness. The chill she felt was gone but, just barely. For some reason she felt safe here. But where exactly was here?

I don't...think I have one. Replied the voice with a small sigh that seemed to fill the whole void with tired warmth. Deliah wished she could see the face that the voice belonged too. She shut her eyes against the blackness feeling as though she could forever float in this tired warmth.

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