Chapter 8: Warning

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The trees of the great Qi forest had begun to shed. They littered the ground in a carpet of oranges, browns and maroons. Many of the Fae and sprites had begun to start hibernating for the coming Winter. The wind rasped through the trees and the once sunny skies had turned to a lazy grey. 

But the weather had not stopped Deliah, Winnie or Colton from frolicking in the autumn woods. They raced through woods in a wild if not wolfish game of tag. Deliah was racing at an inhuman pace behind Colton who, for once was in the lead. Winnie was at Deliah's heels howling a wolfish howl. Their sister had grown stronger and was catching up to them in terms of speed. Deliah pounced on Colton and the boy wolf howled in dramatic defeat. Deliah smiled in triumphant glee. Winnie had stopped just a few feet away from her. shook her furry head and stared ot Deliah a wolfish grin spreading across her face. Deliah didn't have to reach out to know that she was already plotting. Because Deliah was 'it'. 

Deliah let out a holler and then leapt over Colton and darted through the trees. She was laughing as the cold autumn air pierced her lung and made her feel so alive. The cold excited her. She worked her tiny legs faster and faster through the trees. She could hear Winnie and Colton trampling through the leaves after her. Deliah through her head back and howled wildly. She not a wolf but... a wolf. The thought sent a surge of joy through her entire being.

"Deeeeeliaah," called an old croaky voice. 

Deliah froze and looked around her. She had gone into a different part of the forest and her siblings were nowhere to be found. When she looked behind her shoulder a smile too big for her little face appeared. Grannie had come to visit her. She turned to face the Forest witch and bowed polietly. 

"Good autumn day to you Grannie Forest witch," Deliah said in a humbled tone. After her first encounter with the Forest witch her parents had begun drilling her and Winnie and Colton on the proper universal ettiquette of the Forest. Deliah had already known most of it but, her parents figured it wouldn't hurt her to relearn it. Indeed it had come in handy once again. Though their second meeting was different. The very air around them seemed to be tinged with an ancient and warm magic. It was akin to that of a very old grandmother meeting a long lost grand child. Deliah sensed this and knew that she had nothing to fear. Though she should still be polite.

"How are you my dearest Deliah? And how do you like your gifts," The Forest Witch asked with a genuine, if not toothy smile.

"I am doing well Granny. Actually guess what? Did you know that I finally beat Winnie and Colton at hide and seek. Oh! and thank you for the gifts Granny. They saved my Mama," Deliah said beaming with happiness.

"I see. Glad they've helped you Deliah my deary," granny said with another genuine smile. She stepped forward and gently squeezed Deliah's hand. 

"But... Granny?"

"Yes Deary?"

"Is the Wolf god...real?" Deliah whispered looking around the forest. The forest witch couldn't help but chuckle. So her parent's had told her about their legacy. Such a heavy burden to carry for such a young thing. Still the girl and her wolf siblings didn't seemed crushed. They shouldered the burden and for some reason it gave the old witch hope. "Is he Granny?"

"Huh? Oh the Wolf god? Yes, unfortunately," said the Witch with a snort. If she had enough power the boy would have been taken out of this world a long time ago. He had been insuferable eons before his first encounter with the Saint of Wolves. 

"Oh," Deliah said her shoulders sagging.

"But you don't need to worry about him. He's...asleep and will be for a while," said the Forest Witch wrapping Deliah into a hug.

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