Chapter 8: Warning

Start from the beginning

"Sleeping? Granny is ...that code for something else?" Deliah asked suspiciously and then she whispered, "Its okay if...if he's gone into the skies. I swear I won't tell anyone." Deliah said puffing out her chest and crossing her heart with her finger. The old witch couldn't help but laugh at Deliah's seriousness.

"No dear one he is very much alive. Only asleep."

"He won't hurt my pack again," Deliah vowed with a slight edge to her voice. Her body felt tense.

"He won't, but I can't promise the same for the other packs."

"Other packs?" Deliah whispered. She shivered. The Wolves that had attacked belonged to Twelve. There were thirteen packs in total. Deliah's happened to ironically be Thirteen. Though Papa said that it was possible that they had once been called Seven when the original Saint of Wolves walked the Forest. If they hadn't been cursed perhaps this wouldn't have happened. Maybe they would still be Seven instead of Thirteen. It was the Wolf god's fault. Everything was. Deliah curled her tiny hands into fists.

"Yes deary. Go back to your family and warn them. Tell them that Twelve, Seven and Six are on the move," Granny said. Her eyes had taken on a shiny sheen. Deliah knew not to point it out.

"wai--" The old witch melted into the Autumn leaves and vanished. Deliah was left alone in the woods.

However, soon she heard howling. Winnie came crashing into the leaves and right towards Deliah. Winnie knocked the girl to ground and Colton came through the clearly with a happy bark of excitement. But He paused as Deliah soon as he saw Deliah's solment expression.  Red hair was a maze of hair and autumn leaves. She gently placed a small hand on the side of Winnie's long snout and the wolf carefully climbed off of her. Deliah brushed the leaves out of her hair and ragged cloth dress and then very carefully pushed her self off the ground.

"Winnie, Colton we need to go home. Now," Deliah said. Both wolves began to bark in protest. Deliah sent them a serious look and they stared back waiting. Deliah stared at them and her eyes got a far away sheen. 

The Great Forest says were in trouble an--

You met her Lilah? When? WHERE??? Colton cut through her mind with a wave of nervous protective energy. Deliah wished she could roll her eyes right now. Since Granny's gifts Deliah was able to communicate with her wolf family at all times. It was the gift she treasured most in the world. Now it felt as though she was more a part of their world. Even when they were wolves.

Just now but we really ne--

What is she like? Can we meet her?  Winnie chimed in and Deliah could feel her annoyance spiking more and more.

WE.CAN. TALK. LATER. Right now we need to warn Mama and Papa. Now can one  of you let me ride on your back--

Oh! so you admit I'm faster than you. Colton's voice taunted. 

No you idiot. If anyone's faster its me!  Winnie glaoated. Soon they were arguing back and worth and it made Deliah feel as though her head was going to explode. 

HEY! We need to go now! so can one of you let me ride on your back. Please! 

Yes. You can ride on my back Lilah. If you went on Colton's we wouldn't make it past the meadow.

Whatever, we need to hurry! Deliah said. Her eyes returned to normal and so did her siblings. Deliah got on to Winnie's back and they dashed through the forest.  The Autumn air stung Deliah's lungs and her heart seemed to drop. Far off in the distance she could hear the howling of other wolves. Ones that didn't belong to Thirteen. She clung to Winnie's back she urged her sister and brother to go faster. They needed to warn their Papa and Mama. 

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