freddie & sage 1.0

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sage's pov

I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder & psychotic depression. I couldn't believe it, but I was taking right after my Mum. I thought I'd be safe. The clock ticked slowly as I look around his plain, boring office. I wasn't surprised a middle aged man couldn't exactly decorate a basic office.

I didn't want to be here.

"What are you thinking about?" John's voice snapped me out of my daydream. I looked up at him, keeping a straight face.

"Tony. Tony Stonem." I spoke in a monotone voice. I wasn't in the mood. I was tired. Tired of this bullshit.

"What about him?" He questions.

"Nothing." I shrug.

"Something happened to this... Tony, didn't it?" He waved his hand around. His eyes searched mine, but I narrow them.

"Lots of things happened to him. Lots of things happened to us." I smirk. "Effy told me he was born almost a month late. He won a poetry competition when he was eight and met Sarah Ferguson. Got the highest mark for a first-year essay in Cardiff's history." I began listing things that didn't really matter. Hopefully it annoyed him.

"Okay..." He leaned back. "And somewhere in there, he was hit by a bus and nearly killed, right?" John interrogated.

Too soon.

I stay silent. I hadn't spoke about this in two years. I wasn't ready. "Why don't you tell me about that? Where were you? What were you doing?"

"Why that?" I squint my eyes. "Why not the good stuff? Want to hear about how I met him and Effy? Maybe the time he introduced me to his friends, made me feel welcome?"

"Sage, I'm not interested in that." John shook his head. He gave me a tight lipped smile before leaning forward. "Tell me why this accident affected you so much, Sage. From the start."

I look away. Eventually he gave up, and sent me away to my room. I can't believe he was my psychiatrist.

My family watched over me carefully as I read. Alex picked out my journal. My Mum gave him a thump over the head when she saw, but she didn't protest. She didn't want me having it because she had previously read what I had been writing, and let's just say... it wasn't the brightest stuff in the world.

"Ooh!" My Mum exclaimed, grabbing all of our attention. "You said you were cold." She reached for her purse, rummaging through it before pulling out a cardigan of some sort. "I don't recognise it, but it was in Alex's flat, and he said it wasn't his."

"It belongs to Frederick, that's why. Alex told you he practically lived there." I retort, closing my journal.

"Oh." She sighed. "Do you want me me to get you another one?" She went to grab it.

"Leave her, Mum." Alex spoke up from the windowsill. His eyes were narrowed at her.

"No. It's fine." I smile. "I'll keep it. I don't think Freddie will miss it." This was the one he had given me when we were at Gobblers End. My Mum helped me get it on as I struggled. I looked up and see my Dad and Gen leaning against the wall, watching me intently. They all watched over me as if I'd break at the touch of someone else.

"You're doing so well, Sage." Alex spoke up. I look at him, nodding in acknowledgment to his comment. I hold the cardigan up to my face, the scent of Freddie filling my nostrils.


"There's a bus coming. Tony doesn't see it." I had my eyes closed as I had the picture in my head. "I was on the path, the side he'd parked on. He was distracted by arguing with me." I bubble a bit. "It hits him. Runs right over him as if he wasn't there to begin with." I furrow my eyebrows. "Effy's scream was heard from the car as he was in the gutter... bleeding." I bit down on my lip. "He looked dead."

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