cook 2.0

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sage's pov

I didn't want to to talk to anyone, not even Effy. I felt like talking to someone sensible, like Naomi. Naomi was great to talk to since she gives fairly good advice.

It had been a few hours since Cook had broken up with me, for those hours, I ranted to Dr. Foster. He's a fair listener. Although, he stared at me the whole time... It gave me the creeps.

As I make my way towards Naomi's, I squint my eyes when I see a familiar brunette kissing Naomi. I shook my head in disbelief. Already moving on, are we Cook?

To think he was quick to jump on Freddie about that exact same thing. Two can play at that fucking game. I pull my phone out of my pocket, quickly dialling Freddie's number.

"Sage? Are you alright?" Freddie's frantic voice spoke from the other end of the phone.

"Yeah, just watched Cook and Naomi kiss." I sigh, turning in the opposite direction of them. "Weirdly enough, I'm not mad. I'm not upset... not like the way I was when I saw you and Effy kissing." I chuckle.

"I'd expect you to be mad?" I could picture Freddie's confused face.

"He's a dick." I shrug. "But I'm not mad at him. I can't be mad at him when he needs me to be there for him, I suppose." I groan. "God, I want to be mad at him though."

"I don't get you, Sage." Freddie laughs.

"I think you do." I chime in. "I'll speak to you soon, Freddie." I yawn.

"Er, yeah. Bye Sage..." Freddie hung up the call, and I sigh.

cook's pov

Naomi placed her head onto my shoulder as we stare off into the distance. I felt as if this was a vulnerable moment for the both of us.

"Fuck sake! I'm never going to get to bone you, am I?" I crack a joke, trying to lighten the mood.

"No." Naomi simply stated. "I love someone."

"You and me both, girl. You and me both."


I sat across from Duncan, my lawyer for this case. "What's eating you? What are you rebelling against?" He questioned as he studied my face.

"What've you got?" I answer back.

He laughs, looking away. "There you go, you see. You're too fucking smart for most people." Duncan kept his eyes on me. "They don't even know you're quoting Marlon Brando. Do they?"

"You're pretty sharp yourself, actually, for saying you're a shit lawyer."

"Well, it's easier, ain't it? Blaming all your shit on everyone else." My frown fades at this comment. "Well, come on, then, why don't you tell me something that you have done?" Duncan shuffled. "That your did... all by your shitty little self."

"Last year..." I pause, instantly thinking of Freddie and Sage. "I stole my best friends girlfriend, well, I say that... but he never asked her out, and she didn't ask him out, but I did it just because I could." I shook my head. "But I was fucking her mate, best mate, multiple times, man, just because I could."

"It's chicken feed, James." Duncan stood up to stare out the window.


"What is this? Oprah?" Duncan snapped. "Tell me something fucking worthwhile!" He leaned down on the desk before me, "Come on, you dick!"

I looked away. "Just wanted to fucking crack someone."

"Right." Duncan nodded.

"He just..." I shook my head. "Freddie, man." I shook my head once again as I stare at Duncan. "I couldn't stand the way that she was fucking looking at him." I frown. "And I was thinking, why does everybody get to piss on me?" I sniffle. "Everybody always fucking pisses on me."

"My fucking Mum." I stare at the floor. "My Dad is a fucking tosser. and no one gives a shit!" I shook my head, letting tears fall down my face. "Everybody's just out for them-fucking-selves!"

"Ah, grow up." Duncan scoffed.

"No one gives a shit."

"So fucking what?" Duncan snapped at me.

"So I fucking smashed the shit out of that kid!" I throw things off the desk as I stood up."I fucking kicked the shit out of him and I fucking enjoyed it! I enjoyed it, okay?"

"Okay." Duncan nodded. "That's pretty good."

I walk away to the window. "Duncan."

"Yeah, kid?"

"There's something else..."


sage's pov

"Why're you so worried?" I question Freddie as Effy, JJ, Freddie and myself walk into the building. "You're sweating, relax. Take a deep breath."

"Did you just quote Star Wars?" JJ laughed. I look back with a smile. He knew fine and well I was quoting Star Wars. I look around, and my eyes land on Cook with his lawyer. I couldn't help but smile. I wave weakly at him. He nodded to all of us in acknowledgement.

Some guy came forward, asking for Cook to come forth.

"Cook!" A little voice was heard. "Cook! No! Let go!" A little boy began running towards Cook. I look to Freddie who gave the boy a sympathetic stare.

Must be Paddy.

"Cook!" He yelped as he was let in to see Cook. They had a quiet discussion in the middle of the hall. "I bunked off school. I don't give a shit. I want to watch!" Cool was quick to calm Paddy down.

I frown as Freddie stepped forward to take Paddy away from Cook. Cook began walking away.

I felt as if this was the last time I'd ever see him...


ok don't jinx it dumbass

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