"Homelander," she faked a blush at the praise as she kept glancing at his jawline and those lips. He could probably hear how fast her heart was beating.

                 "What?" he smiled as he squeezed her knee. "I'm just telling the truth."

                And as soon as that interview was over, she found a private room and pushed him against a wall before kissing him as he pulled her flush against him.


              "Why do we have to walk?" John complained.

                 They were walking through a very simple trail in the woods to get to a clearing. But John had just wanted to fly to the spot.

                   She shook her head as she looked back at him, "Because it's all so beautiful to look at. Stop complaining."

                "If I wanted to look at something beautiful, I'd look at you," John argued as they entered the clearing.

                "We're here," she blushed as she looked at John.

              She focused and made a patch of roses grow out of the ground, without thorns, and it was like a red padded blanket on the ground. She went to sit down as John looked at her in amazement but she didn't see it.

                 She only patted next to her as she gazed up at him, "Come here."


              As much as she liked flying in the sky, sometimes, she just liked being on the ground, looking up at how big and blue and beautiful it was. She smiled as she turned on her side to John who was only studying her.

               "Don't you like it?" she asked as looked around. The clearing had so many flowers of all different kinds and colors (and it was mostly all her doing).

                "It's....pretty," he agreed as he gazed at her green eyes.

               She smiled as she made a strawberry plant grow and she picked one (that was more pink and sweet). She ate one before looking at John, "You want one?"

                  He hummed in agreement and she grabbed one before pressing up against his chest as she leaned over him, bringing it to his mouth. His lips formed around it like he was going to suck on it before he bit it slowly all the while his eyes pierced hers and it very, very hot.

               Once he finished his, she got another one for herself. She bit into it and juice dripped down her chin. Before she could wipe it away, he shook his head, "So messy."

                  Then he moved so she was on her back and he was above her, between her legs. He leaned down kissing her chin before he sucked and licked away the strawberry juice.

                 But he continued and placed kisses on the lower part of her chin making her tilt her head up so he could get better access. Then he moved to her neck where he sucked on the skin which made her let out a slight moan.

              His hands ran up her thighs before moving to the waistband of her shorts. He started to tug on them, pulling them down.

                   "John, no," she placed her hand over his, stopping it from moving. "Not now."

                He stopped kissing her neck and he moved to look down at her. His eyes were glowing red but they dimmed back to their blue.

               "Jane," he groaned. "There's...a problem."

              She wondered what he meant by that but then she felt it pressed against her leg. A massive bulge in his pants. His erection.

                "John, that's natural," she smiled assuringly. She pushed against his chest and made him lay down on his back as she straddled him. "And I can handle it."

                She rolled her hips and rubbed herself against his erection as John let out an expletive. Fuck. Slight moans left his mouth.

              She kept rubbing herself back and forth but as she did, a heat built up in her lower extremities and made her wet. She was surprised by how much it felt good because sex had never felt good to her; like all the emotional pain blocked all physical manifestations.

               But now just rubbing herself against John, she wanted sex. Not today but she knew that would be a choice she'd make later.

              She leaned down to trail kisses along his neck while she kept rubbing herself against him. She whispered close to his ear, "Come for me."

                And hearing her say something he never thought he'd hear her say. He came as he groaned. She smiled proudly as she whispered again, "Good boy."

              She leaned back up to gaze into his red, glowing eyes before she captured his lips with hers and his arms came to wrap around her. They kissed deeply and the taste of their lips mingled together.

                Sweet like strawberries.


Jane arrived with John at The Golden Globes in a red bodysuit and a red cape. As they slowly approached the few feet to the ground, he whispered in her ear, "You look beautiful."

She smiled up at him as they landed softly on the ground and all the interviewers clamored for their attention.

"Ivy, is that a new costume?"

"How is it going with The Seven?"

"Are you and Homelander together?"

But her eyes were only on John and how happy she was. In that moment, she could honestly say she was in love with him without any guilt about Seb.

Because love was never a crime; it wasn't something to feel bad about (even if it was for the wrong person) because love was good and full of light. Love wasn't something to be afraid of, it was something to run towards.

And so she tilted his face down to hers before her hand laid against his cheek and she kissed him, in public where the whole world would know and she would have no shame.

It was a short, sweet kiss and as she pulled away, she finally told him what he wanted, waited, to hear as she uttered a whisper.

               "I'm in love with you."

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