Chapter 4: Vanitas True Name

Start from the beginning

Weiss: Why did you leave Yang to freeze? And how did you manage to freeze Yang in the first place?

Vanitas: So you are mad at me?

Weiss: I am!

I try to close the door only for her to force her way in.

Vanitas: What do you want now?

Weiss: You haven't answer my question.

Vanitas: Didn't you froze Jaune the other day?

Weiss: That's different!

Vanitas: Will you stop yelling?

Weiss: Fine but you have to tell me what-

I push her outside and closed the door.

Weiss: Hey don't just throw me out!

Vanitas: I am not dealing with this to day.

Weiss: Hey! Do you hear me? Hello! Hello? Vanitas?

I deactivated the spell turning the blade back to a broken blade.

Weiss POV

After Vanitas kick me out of his dorm room, I was mad. I then made my way back to the my dorm room.

Ruby: Weiss, you're back.

Weiss: Yeah. That jerk.

Blake: What's happened?

Weiss: He kick me out of his room and closed the door on me.

Yang: So look like we found someone even colder than the Ice Queen.

Weiss: Shut it you dolt!


Later that night in dorm room 069, the window open as Blake open the windows and go inside the room. Vanitas was lying on his table, he over work himself with his incantation.

Blake look around the room before her eyes landed on the blue grimoire.

Blake: The Book of Vanitas. So it's real.

Blake know about the story of Blue Moon Vampire but after seeing Vanitas with her own eyes, she realized that the story was real not some fairy tail to scare children.

She hold up the book up but can't seem to open it.

Blake: How did he-

She stop at her track as a dagger was placed on her neck. It was Vanitas, he was holding a dagger with the blade on Blake neck.

Blake: Calm down, it's me, Blake, Vanitas.

Vanitas: Blake?

He pull the dagger away as she turn back holding the book and looking at Vanitas.

Vanitas: What are you doing here? And why are you after my book?

Blake: I wasn't try to steal anything I swear!

Vanitas: Then why are you here?

Blake: Curiosity...

Vanitas: You do know curiosity kill the cat, right?

She only nodded

Vanitas: And you are the cat.

Her eyes widen her face in shock as she look at Vanitas.

Blake: How did you?

Vanitas: I saw your faunus ear while on Avian. Why are you hiding them?

Blake: I-I don't want to talk about it.

Vanitas: What ever, if you don't want then I won't ask.

He stab the dagger on the table and take away his book. Blake look away in shame.

Blake: What in it?

Vanitas: Heh?

Blake: What is written in The book of Vanitas?

Vanitas: You want to know? Here.

Vanitas open the lock on the book and open it, as Blake eyes widen. The book black pages was blank.

Blake: What?

She then grab the book and flip through pages then whole book was blank.

Blake: How? I swear I saw something on the book when you open it before!

Vanitas: *sigh* Because the book was cursed only the clan of the Blue Moon can see it.

Blake: Clan of the Blue Moon?

Vanitas then take off the glove on his hand showing the mark of the Blue Moon clan.

Vanitas then take off the glove on his hand showing the mark of the Blue Moon clan

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Blake: The mark of the Blue Moon clan.

Vanitas: Luna the true name of Vanitas, she is my mother and she passed down to me her name and book.

Blake: She?

Vanitas: Yeah, Vanitas true name is Luna and she is a woman.

Blake: But why-

Vanitas: People keep calling her a "he" so she give up and accepted it.

Blake: But why do you said he if you know that is she?

Vanitas: So people won't get confused on who I am talk about.

Blake: Most story said Vanitas was male but I never expected that Vanitas was a female. Wait are you male or female?

Vanitas: Male.

Blake: Oh so?

Vanitas: So what?

Blake: Can I join the Blue Moon clan?

Vanitas: *laugh* Nice one.

Blake: *fluster* I'm serious! I want to join!

Vanitas: No.

Blake: But-

Vanitas: It's a curse not some gift, Blake. The more I use the book the mark get larger and the less human I become.

Blake: What?

Vanitas: I been using the book of Vanitas for 11 years. So no! I won't let you join the Blue Moon clan.

He then push her outside of his room, but she didn't want to since she was learning so much about the Vampire of The Blue Moon.

Blake: Ugh, Ruby have a crush on you.

Vanitas: I have no interest in sort of people that would love me

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Vanitas: I have no interest in sort of people that would love me.

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