My heart clenched. Why he is so pure? Why he still loves me? I don't show him any adore or mercy! Why he still care for me? Shouldn't he try to avoid me or leave me...?

Why I'm feeling like he feels safer with me, than anyone else? That can't be true, can it?

I couldn't hold it anymore, my eyes started burning and tears started dropping through my cheeks and I couldn't but help sobbing because of my mixed up feelings...

He trembled a bit and slowly started to move, maybe because of my sobbing sound! Oh no- I quickly wiped my tears in my pillow as both of my hands are stucked, you know?

He whimpered a little feeling disturbed between his peaceful sleep, then slowly looked at his surrounding. Once his eyes fell in to my face, he looked unbothered at first. But the next moment his eyes turned in to a scared one, making my heart broke in to pieces...

He hurriedly sat in the bed facing me. I could tell by seeing his state that he is regretting for the decision of sleeping with me. It's been maybe so many years, we last slept together like this. To say the truth, I kinda missed it and now after cuddling with him, I'm feeling thousand times better! I wanna tell that cute bunny boy of mine that, it's ok to sleep with me. I wanna say that I'm not angry, I'm actually loved it! But, I didn't say anything of these...The thing I said the first to broke the silence was_

-What are you doing here?' and I know, it made him more afraid and a bit sad!

He looked at me with his innocent doughed eyes, 'I-I...I thought...t-that you w-will like...t-to cuddle with...s-someone...?'

He actually asked me.

Of course, I loved it, but I didn't told him that, being the rude person I am! So I just nodded like I understand and tried to sit in the bed. He noticed my struggling and quickly held me. He helped me to lean against the headboard with a pillow and sat in front with a concerned look. I looked in his eyes, that's really so soothing....!

Jungkook: You need anything hyung?

I looked at my hand and his eyes also diverted to that and he almost freaked out seeing the blood in my hand, 'OH GOD!! HYUNG...IT'S BLEEDING!! What should I do now? Should I go and call Jin hyung? Or-

I snapped my other hand in front of him, 'Calm down boy! It's fine. No need to freak out, ok?'

But he didn't listen, 'How could you say it's fine? IT'S FREAKING BLEEDING HYUNG!!'

I shook my head, 'AISH! Stop it Jungkook. And give me a band aid from that box over there.'

Jungkook obeyed me, 'You need to call Jin hyung?'

I gave him a glare, 'Jungkook, for your kind information, I'm also a doctor.' I said coldly, in which he gulped looking away from my glare.

I cleaned the blood and put the band aid there. He was watching my every move with his innocent wide eyes, standing a bit far from my bed. I chuckled in my mind seeing his cuteness.

Then I sat leaning against the head board, 'So...why you decided to cuddle with me?'

Jungkook looked away from me, 'I-I told you na...that I t-thought-

I looked straight to his eyes, which he tried to avoid, 'Don't lie to me, Jungkook-ah! You are a horrible liar.'

He looked down while biting his lower lip nervously.

-Jungkook?' I called him softly this time. He looked up silently.

-You are the one who wanted to cuddle with me, I know that. But, I'm not sure, why you want that? I thought you wanted to avoid me all the time...' maybe my voice became a bit sad cause his face turned in to a shocked one! I looked away this time.

Jungkook: H-hyung-ie?!

I remain quiet.

Jungkook took a step forward, but before he could say any farther, the door opened revealing Yoongi hyung. Jungkook stooped in his way.

Yoongi: Hey Taehyung! Hey Jungkook! What's going on?' he looked at our face. I tried to smile a bit, 'Hi hyung! And nothing actually, we just woke up...'

Jungkook remain quiet, he is still looking at me with a questioning and stunned face. Yoongi hyung frowned seeing him, 'Jungkook? What happened? Did Tae did something? Did he scold you?'

I shot my head up, 'WHAT! NO! I didn't do anything...Did I, jk?'

Jungkook also smiled this time, 'No hyung! We are just chit chatting...nothing serious!'

I looked at Yoongi hyung proudly, 'See? Why you think that I always scold him for no reason?'

Yoongi hyung looked unbothered while sitting in the edge of my bed, 'Cause, you actually always scold him for no reason, boi!'

~What the- ugh whatever!' I gave up in annoyance. Jungkook chuckled seeing my expression, I glared at him, 'Now what's so funny, huh?'

He swallowed the laugh, 'N-nothing...umm I-I gotta go h-hyung...see y-you later!' and he literary ran from there.

Yoongi hyung looked at me with a victory smirk, 'See now? Told yaa, you are a scold monster!'

I sighed tiredly seeing my hyung's smirk...

Tell me just one thing, "Why I have these types of brothers around me?!"

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