Work-Love-Balance - Kento Nanami

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"Have you decided what you want yet, or shall I recommend something to you?"

The woman who worked in the cozy little bakery you were currently inside, walked up to you with a gentle smile. She was just as cute as the shop itself, her vibe fit the theme of all the flowers that were propped up everywhere. 

"No, thank you, I know what I want already. But I can't seem to find it. Do you have your self-made bread in stock currently?" You smiled at her as she nodded and turned around to walk into the storeroom, probably to get the bread. You walked to the counter when she returned, to pay.

 "We actually just stocked up on it. Just didn't have he time to put it on the shelves yet" she explained while swiping your card through the scanner, so you could put in your pin. "That's totally fine. I could've just bought another one, if you didn't have it. But it's my friend's favorite and he has been really stressed lately. I just wanted to cheer him up..." 

"That's very sweet of you. And thank you for always coming here, we appreciate it. Have a nice day!" She waved at you with a smile as you walked out the door and said your goodbyes.

 Reaching the office, your place of work, you walked in and headed to the kitchen. There you made two cups of coffee, one black, one with an inhumane amount of sugar. Taking both and the bread, you had just purchased, you moved to the elevators and went up to the fourth floor.

 "Hello humble coworkers! How are you on this fine day!" "Shut up Y/N!" 

"Wow what a way to be greeted" You rolled your eyes and moved to your desk, setting the sugar infested cup down on the white wood and placing your bag on your chair. You turned on your computer and sighed as you looked at the time: 8 AM 

"It's way too early for work, especially if it's an office job" "Quit whining Y/N. You signed up for this yourself" You looked to your left and saw Kaiko, your 'desk buddy', as you called her.You would like to think of you as friends, but most of your other colleagues took your 'friendly' teasing as actual insults. Both of you knew it was all in good fun, though. 

"Good morning to you too, Kaiko" She smiled and reached for the cup in your hand. "Aww, you bought me coffee how thoughtful!" Before she could grab it, you held it up so she couldn't reach it. You were a few inches taller than her, so your plan was successful. 

"It's not for you, it's for Nanami" She scoffed. "Of course, it is. You never do anything for me anymore! Not since he came to the office at least" Whining, she clung onto you and fake cried. You pried her off you and started to walk to the other side of the room. 

"You know that's not true! I spend plenty of time with you" "Is too! And no, you don't" 

You sighed, dropping the argument, since you didn't have the nerve to fight with her this early in the morning. Instead, you searched for a head of blonde hair. You spotted it and set the coffee cup down onto the desk, next to the male it belonged to. 

"Good morning, Nanami! How are you today?" "Good morning. I'm doing fine, thank you, but I would prefer if you left so I can focus on finishing my work." He didn't look up at you when he greeted you. He just continued with the Mail he had to write out. You didn't mind, since you knew he didn't mean anything mean spirited, he was just very straight forward. 

You chuckled and nodded. "Alright. But I expect to see you at lunch." "Of course. I'll see you then Y/N" With that, you turned around and went back to your desk. Sitting down, you remembered the fresh bread that was still in your bag. 'I'll just give it to him at lunch, I'm sure he won't mind if it's a bit cooled off.

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