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My heart thrashes against my chest as Aria says the words. Just last night Baden had me locked in a larder with him as he spoke of merchants and freedom and political movements. I hadn't listened. I hadn't paid attention, even when it was all so plain before my eyes.

I suddenly become aware of Munir and Aria's eyes on me. Licking my suddenly dry lips, I mutter, "The Unseen Cavalcade smuggles thralls out of Arcadia."

Aria's expression brightens, but Munir's eyes darken.

"Pff, what do you know of the Cavalcade?" he growls.

"You're helping a group escape tonight, aren't you? In the market square at midnight?"

Munir is out of his chair in an instant and closes the distance between us. His face is inches from mine as he hisses at me, "How the hells do you know that?!" His expression contorts, trying to conceal the sudden slicing fear behind his bronze eyes.

I take a step away from him and throw up my eyebrows. "Because I was one of the thralls heading for that transport."

Aria gasps.

Munir's expression lightens, and he retreats from me, choosing to pace the kitchen instead. "Fine," he grumbles. "I don't care who told you or what else you know, but there won't be any transport if we don't get out of here."

I blink at Munir, the threads suddenly connecting. "You're the merchant Baden was talking about?"

Munir stops his pacing to look at me. "You know that Baden kid?"

"Yes! He's the reason I'm leaving. He told me about the Unseen Cavalcade. Can you really get us to Vayssar?" With new eyes, I take in the Farlander again. Beneath the layer of dungeon grime, his clothes are of a finer quality, and his shoes are soft, meant for social markets not hard labor.

Munir rolls his eyes. "What did I just say? We're going nowhere if we don't get out of this cursed palace before Darcron's guards start kicking in doors!"

A smile pulls at the edges of my lips.

Munir sneers. "Something funny?"

I turn to Aria and give her an even broader smile. "I know a way out."

"What?" Aria's lip trembles with hesitant hope.

"There's a bunch of unused dungeon cells beneath the palace, and there's a hole in the wall in one of the cells. Knock some of the stones loose and you can head right through."

"How did you—?"

"It doesn't matter," I wave away her question. "Do you think we can make it? I was just in the corridors, and there were no more guards than usual."

Aria frowns in thought. "Under the palace... hmmm... I suppose we could circumvent the guards' patrol route if we cut through the Imperial Gardens. We'd have to climb the gate, but it shouldn't be—"

A sudden rapping on the chamber door silences Aria. She snaps her attention to the entrance with wide eyes, and Munir snatches a kitchen rag from the sink, wrapping it around the knuckles of his right hand.

Staying silent, I point to his wound, roll my eyes, and then hold up both my hands as if training a pup to stay put. I motion to the door and mouth the words 'I will go.' Munir locks his jaw but gives a curt nod. With her eyes still wide and frantic, Aria waves a hand around the room and then shrugs, indicating the lack of hiding places.

The rapping at the door comes again.

I stick my head out of the kitchen alcove and call, "A moment, please."

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