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With the soldiers at his heels, the Thrall Keeper marches over to the favored woman and me. He places a hand between my shoulder blades, sliding his palm over the fabric of my dress before grasping the back of my neck. Flinching, my scars recognize his touch as he gives me a rough push forward.

"Get moving."

The guards follow close behind as the Thrall Keeper forces me out of the harem. My feet move with the escort as they march me through the corridors and down the grand staircase. They lead me out of the Inner Court, through the Meridian gate, and into the open-air courtyard where a crowd of servants and thralls are finishing the preparations for the Arcadian caravan. A long procession of foreign soldiers mounted on armored horses stand in perfect lines at the front. Looking ahead, the Arcadian captain of the guard is mounted alone on a black charger, ready to lead the caravan. He calls his men to attention with a deep, rumbling voice, and they all snap their heads forward, motionless as stones.

Behind the soldiers, there are carts and covered wagons filled to the brim with treasures from the palace—gold, jewels, fine furs, rare spices, crystal goblets, aged wines, blocks of precious salt, wrapped haunches of smoked meat, and barrels of ale. It seems the Emperor is offering the entire wealth of Aaru as a token of friendship to these Arcadian princes. Though, it must be only a fraction of the treasures the Emperor has to offer.

An Arcadian thrall approaches the Thrall Keeper and bows low, motioning with a sweeping gesture of his arm towards a gold curtained litter with three other thralls standing by.

"This way, Mistress," the thrall says in a thick accent. It takes me a moment to realize he's speaking to me. "The ambassador wishes you to make the journey in shade and comfort."

"The better to preserve that exquisite beauty."

The ambassador himself appears before us, dismissing the thrall with a wave of his hand and giving the Thrall Keeper a brisk nod. A silent understanding seems to pass between the men, and the Thrall Keeper dips his head politely before turning away with the guards and retreating back into the palace.

The ambassador places a hand on my arm and guides me towards the litter, behaving as if I'll shatter at the slightest touch. Pulling back the curtain of the litter and hooking the fabric over the edge of the frame, he gestures to the cushioned chair within. "If you please."

I hesitate, staring at the thralls standing beside the carrying poles. They'll walk across the desert with me on their shoulders, breaking their backs and straining their muscles, carrying me like a fatten calf ready to satiate the hunger of a beast.

"I have legs." The protest leaves my lips before I can stop it. "I'll walk the desert like the others. I won't—"

"My lady, please, have a seat. We will be departing very shortly."

Every word on my tongue dies as I catch a flash of something in the ambassador's eyes. Ever so slightly, he increases the pressure of his grip on my arm. His eyes flick towards the palace guards, and I follow his gaze, noting the way the soldiers' spears glint in the midday sun. His threat is as clear as if he shouted it, though he never said a word.

Trying to be delicate, I gather my skirts around me and climb into the litter. The chair is comfortable, but no matter how I sit, I feel as heavy as an elephant on the thralls' shoulders.

The ambassador gives a slow nod. "I hope you remain comfortable during the journey, my lady." Then, he closes the curtain, and I'm left alone in a box of dim, golden light.

My sore calves rub against the fabric of my gown, reminding me of how different everything was this morning. In this golden cage, it's easy for me to pretend there's nothing beyond the cushioned chair, nothing past the shimmering curtains. I can fool myself into believing this cage will hold me forever.

A sob rises in the back of my throat, but I swallow it down, refusing to let the wail free. My hand touches the pouch concealed beneath the neckline of my gown, trying to draw comfort but finding none. The ambassador keeps calling me a desert bloom, but I know what eventually happens to flowers when they're plucked from their beds and put on display.

Suddenly, the golden curtain is yanked aside. I blink in the sudden brightness then gasp as I recognize the face peering in.


My heart swells as tears spring into my eyes. Baden reaches into the litter and wraps his arms around me, squeezing me tight. Hostile shouts echo from across the courtyard. Several guards from the palace rush toward us.

"Baden, what—?!"

He pulls away, holding my face in his hands. "Listen to me!" His eyes are desperate and a sheen of sweat drips down his brow. "I don't care what it takes, but I'll find you! Do you hear me?! I'll come after you!"

"Baden, no! You'll—!"

A long, bellowing horn blast drowns out my voice. The signal rouses the caravan, readying every person and creature for departure. The palace gates open as the captain of the guard shouts marching orders to his soldiers.

Baden clutches my hands in his and yells over the chaos. "Wait for me! I'll find you! I promise!"

The thralls lift the litter, pulling me from Baden, and in an instant, a compulsive surge overtakes me. I can't think past this one moment. All I want is one more minute, one more second. Something to hold on to. I reach for Baden and he reaches back, clasping my hand tight. The mess of tears and paint on my face, the aching pain in my chest, the lingering scent of cooking grease on Baden's clothes—it's all peripheral. All I can feel is the strangled hope Baden gives me. I hold on as if trying to pull him from the riptides of a cruel ocean.

"Let's run, Baden," I whisper to him through my tears. "We could make it!"

I hold on until the wave crashes over us.

With a sickening crack, the first guard smacks Baden in the spine with the blunt end of a spear. He crumples to the ground in agony, and our hands are torn apart. Another guard hits Baden in the face. Blood gushes from his nose and split lip, decorating his face in red.


The scream tears from my throat as sobs rake my chest. I lean from my litter, nearly tipping it over as I brace myself to jump from my gold cage and run to him. makes me recoil as the edge of a spear catches my arm, tearing both lace and flesh. From my forearm to my wrist, a line of red opens, dripping onto the ground. Instinctively, I pull back, gasping and clutching my bloodied arm against my chest.

With one eye swelling shut, Baden looks to me and reaches out, a strangled cry escaping his throat.


A guard brings the butt of his spear down on the back of Baden's head. He collapses, motionless.

With Baden subdued, the guard closest to me whirls around and puts the point of his spear at the base of my throat. "You're lucky we have orders not to kill you," he growls. "But we have no such orders for your friend. Step out of line again, and his throat gets slit." He hocks a gob of saliva at my face before yanking the curtain closed. From inside the litter, I hear him bark at the thralls.


The litter shutters forward and meldsinto the caravan, carrying me away. With stinging tears streaming down my face,I snatch the leather pouch from around my neck and clutch it in my fist, tryingto find comfort, but there's none to be had. All I can see in my mind is Baden'sunconscious body, even long after the palace of Sheol fades behind the horizon.


A/N: Thank you so much for reading! Any support or feedback is greatly appreciated.

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