Chapter 1: Beacon

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Ruby POV

As Yang and I are on the bullhead on our way to Beacon, I am so excited this will be my first step to becoming a huntress.

Ruby: Ew, Yang you have vomit on your shoes.

I quickly move away from but I accidentally fall on someone while not looking.

Ruby: Oh my oum, I so sorry.

???: It's okay.

He is a boy with bright blue eyes long black hair. He wear a hourglass earring on his left ear.

???: Can you get off me?

Ruby: Oh sorry.

I quickly got up as he also get up, in his hand was a blue clockwork book with some chain wrap around his hand.

Ruby: Uh, I am Ruby, Ruby Rose.

Vanitas: My name is Vanitas.

We talk for bit before going our separate ways.

Vanitas POV

Vanitas: So this is Beacon.

A blonde boy rushed to a nearby trash can, vomiting in it. Instinctively, I looked away in disgust. The open grounds of the campus were vast, and I really didn't know exactly where I am going. As a group of students passed by, I gently tapped one on the shoulder getting their attention.

Vanitas: Hey there! Sorry, but I'm new. Do you know where I should be going? I just got here.

Beacon Student: Oh no problem! This place is kind of a maze. Um...I'm pretty sure Goodwitch told us to direct all the newcomers to the main amphitheater. It's just down that way.

The student pointed down towards a large building, giving me some much-needed direction on my way.

Vanitas: Great! Thanks.

Beacon Student: Enjoy the entrance ceremony! Oh, and welcome to Beacon.

The student left soon after that, rejoining with their friends who had waited for them. I then heard yell, I recognize one of them was Ruby voice, I then made my way to it. Seeing a girl in white yelling at Ruby.

Vanitas: Hm, not my problem.

I decided to move way it's clearly not my problem to deal with, and go to the main amphitheater.

Time Skip

It's the next day we are standing on a cliff as Ozpin explain the test vomit boy raise his hand wanting to ask a question but Ozpin just press a button sending the students flying off the cliff.

Vanitas: Heh? Son of a-

Before I could finish I hit a Nevermore mid air. I quickly hold on to it as it try to shake me off.

Vanitas: Stop resisting will ya!

It try to fly down wanting to make me fall off, I quickly grab the feather on it wing and pull making it changes direction.

Vanitas: No way, it's actually work!

I then fly on my new friend as it still trying to resist. It changes head first downward hitting some trees before crash landed.

Vanitas: Find then if you don't willing to work then I will just make you!

I pull out my book and open it.

A cover of blue leather.
Pages as black as night.
A clockwork grimoire.
Linked to a silver chain.

Vanitas: I am Vanitas! An oath shall be sworn here! Though serves with thine eyes clouded in chaos. Thou, bound in the cage of madness. I am he who command these chaos!

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