"I wanna go home." Baekhyun mumbled.

"Good because that's where we're going." Kyungsoo sighed and nudged the male's shoulder and Baekhyun eventually stumbled to his feet, standing still to catch his balance.

Kyungsoo knew fine well Baekhyun was far from a state of walking, he looked as if he'd crash to the floor from merely standing. He wrapped his arm around him and helped him walk out.

"I'm taking him back home, you can either stay here or come with." Kyungsoo offered to Chanyeol.

The tall male thought for a moment. The only reason he was so excited for this party was spending it with Baekhyun but it was far from that. He figured he should go with Baekhyun, he wanted to find out what was the matter with him, what he'd done to upset him so much. "I'll come."


Chanyeol looked to Baekhyun beside him as they were in the car, Kyungsoo driving them back to Baekhyun's since he was the most sober out of them all.

"What is it?" Chanyeol tried Baekhyun for an answer, "Why are you mad? What did I do?"

Baekhyun turned his head, looking sluggishly at the taller. "You didn't hold my hand." He mumbled.

Chanyeol's face screwed up in confusion, "What?" He heard him correctly and he knew what he said, he just didn't understand. "What are you talking about? When didn't I hold your hand?"

Baekhyun slowly turned his head back to the car window, letting his heavy head rest back on the car seat.

"Do you want me to hold your hand now? Will that make everything better?" Chanyeol asked another set of questions before reaching for Baekhyun's hand, the male pulled away with an annoyed mumble.

Kyungsoo watched the interaction every now and then in the rear-view mirror, he'd just shake his head at them both. It was ridiculous to watch the two very drunk males try and sort out whatever argument they'd caused. Kyungsoo had no idea what Baekhyun was mad about and at this point, he didn't even want to know.

"We're here, c'mon." Kyungsoo announced as he unbuckled his seat belt, trying to rally the two out the car. He felt like a parent and he was getting very fed up.

Baekhyun clung onto Kyungsoo as they made their way up the driveway, Chanyeol slowly trailing behind with a sour look on his face. He thought the car ride would help him understand what was wrong with his boyfriend.

They'd made it just by Baekhyun's front door when all of a sudden Baekhyun pulled away from Kyungsoo, his head was starting to spin and the colour was draining from his face rapidly. "Baekhyun, we need to go inside—"

The said male didn't reply, he managed a few steps forward, away from the two to maintain his decency before majority of the alcohol he had drunk came rushing back up. He was thankful it happened now and not inside because his vomit would've landed on the kitchen floor rather than his driveway.

He stayed in his tilted position until he caught a hold of himself, Kyungsoo grabbed his arm to try and get him to come inside again but Baekhyun shoved away yet again, another round of alcohol was coming back up with vengeance. He stumbled over to the nearest plant pot so that it wasn't out in the open for Chanyeol and Kyungsoo to witness again.

"Jesus Christ, Baekhyun." Kyungsoo said in horror, "Are you done?"

Baekhyun nodded as he slowly let himself sit down on the asphalt ground, resting his heavy head on the concrete flower pot. He needed a minute to get a hold of himself.

Chanyeol frowned at the sight, he slowly made his way over and rubbed Baekhyun's shoulder, "Are you okay?"

"No." Baekhyun hiccuped, his voice cracking.

"What's wrong?" Chanyeol quietly spoke up, he knew it wasn't the hand thing, there was something more that Baekhyun's drunken mind wasn't telling him. "Can you please tell me?"

"No." Baekhyun's voice became chocked as he began to cry. The whole reasoning was stupid. Just because he was clingy and didn't want to be away from his boyfriend for too long, it seemed so little in the grand scheme of things. He'd kicked up such a fuss over something so small. He tugged away Chanyeol's hand on his shoulder, he was feeling so guilty for ruining the night with him. It could've been fun, spending time with the male at the party before going away but he had ruined it all.

"Baekhyun, c'mon, you need to go to bed." Kyungsoo let out a sigh, he didn't think the small male wanted to even move. He felt as though if they left him there, he would've stayed by that plant pot all night. He tugged on his arm, trying to pull him up but it seemed that Baekhyun was determined on not moving. "Chanyeol, help me get him up."

The two managed to finally get the very intoxicated male back on his feet, Kyungsoo wasting no time in grabbing Baekhyun's keys from his pocket and opening the front door.

The whole house was dark and quiet, Kyungsoo prayed to every god that they wouldn't wake up Baekhyun's mother. They made their way up the stairs, "Baekhyun, shh." Kyungsoo tried his best to hush him, the upstairs was very small and they were right outside Mrs Byun's bedroom door.

Chanyeol opened the door to the left which was the male's small bedroom, trying his best to guide Baekhyun inside. He pulled back the male's covers so it was easy for him to climb into bed.

"Where's your pyjamas? You need to get changed." Kyungsoo asked as Baekhyun sat down.

"I don't want to." Baekhyun sniffled, he just wanted to sleep now.

"You can't sleep in your jeans." Kyungsoo sighed deeply, "Chanyeol can you take them off for him?"

"Wha— Why me?" Chanyeol's eyes widened.

"Look, I know it isn't the first time you've taken off his jeans." Kyungsoo retorted, "And he clearly isn't going to do it himself."

Chanyeol's ears went red at the male's comment but nonetheless helped Baekhyun be more comfortable for bed. The male was already laying back, sprawled out lazily in his bed so he pulled the covers over him.

Kyungsoo sighed deeply as he looked at Baekhyun, "You better take those off or they'll be out of battery by the time you wake up." He pointed to the male's ears.

Baekhyun sluggishly pulled them from his ears, letting them drop onto his side table with a groan. Kyungsoo sat down on the male's desk chair with a deep sigh, he seriously didn't want to deal with Baekhyun this drunk again, the whole ordeal was exhausting. At least Chanyeol was sober enough to help.

They stayed there for a couple minutes as silence filled the air, Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun, the male hadn't said anything and was still in bed.

Kyungsoo assumed he was sleeping, "Let him sleep, let's go." He said as he stood up, the two males had just about made it to the door when Baekhyun's weak voice spoke up.

"Stay. Please." He pleaded.

Kyungsoo looked over to Chanyeol before sitting back down in the desk chair he had once gotten up from. The two males stayed in Baekhyun's bedroom until his deep breaths of sleep filled the air.

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