Chapter 15

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13 gradually starts to wake up. She can see the boy sitting at the windows on the other side of the room. If he takes her with him it was probably Liuqi. Then she see the boy was looking at something in his hand. It was Liuqi scissors. No, it wasn't Liuqi, it was still Seven.

She was injured but now she can feel she has bandages and strangely her wounds didn't really hurt

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She was injured but now she can feel she has bandages and strangely her wounds didn't really hurt. Why did the boy do this after trying to kill her? All of his actions for 13 make no sense. 13 looks at her hair and put her hand in it. She still has her hair free and shorter...

Seven takes her blade on his belt and throw it in her direction, it ends its fly stick on the wall close to her.

7 "it's yours... you can take it back...."

13 *...o...okay... *
13 *if he wanted to hurt me or kill me he would have already done it I suppose... but still...*

13 looks at the blade and puts it off the wall *...that does not look really friendly... but at the same time he gives me a weapon again... does that mean he trusts me or that he just doesn't see me has something dangerous?*

13 did back her braid and put the blade at the end. Her braid was shorter, the blade was at the level of her labs.

13 "I...I don't understand... you wanted to kill me... and now you healed me... you saved me... why?"

7 " did the same... let's say we are even."

13 "I see... so... what will happens now? Do you still wish to...kill me?"

7 " I'm going to seal the beast... with the help of Liuqi."

13 *I see he trusts Liuqi and maybe they get agree to keep me alive that's why he didn't kill me at the end...*

13 "I see... so for me..."

7 "you're free to go..." *I better not make the same mistake again after all...*

13 had a sad face "..."

7 looking aside "... or you can stay and... help us."

13 is surprised "So I will stay to help you..."
She smiled "I have to fulfill my promise after all."

Seven takes all of his weapons again, unrolls his chains, and starts to move, taking the road again. He knows well this road even if the landscape looks totally different he already walked on this road once after all. 13 tries to follow a bit confused.

13 "Wait, where are we going? Do you know where to find sealing materials?"

7 "no need for an object, this sealing is stronger. We are on the road of Orochi domain, we will use the sealing altar at its center."

13 "O..Orochi domain.... are you sure this is a good idea ?"

7 "... Do you have doubt?"

13 "ahh no. ...but isn't this place curse?"

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