Rule 42 | Never let your roommate into your bed.

Start from the beginning

"That's a mighty price you're willing to pay for a date with me, little flower." He drawled, leaning back into his seat with an air of easy nonchalance, his expressions pleasantly smug as he uttered his next words. "Are you sure you don't actually like me?"

I blinked at him, unable to think of anything to say. Did I like Jungkook? Yes. Yes, I liked him a lot.

But did I like him enough to tell him that?

I wasn't sure. Not yet.

I looked at him, conflicted how to respond. Dressed head-to-toe in clothes that had probably cost him a fortune, and despite the fact that his outfit was extremely casual for a place like this, it was fascinating how he looked perfectly in sync with the extravagant opulence of this place as he sat before me, calmly assessing my reactions with an amused grin.

And he was handsome. Awfully so.

There was something in the soft tilt of his mouth, something inexplicably enticing in the teasing glint of his eyes, that unleashed a whole kaleidoscope of butterflies in the pit of my stomach.

And it was annoying. And unfamiliar.

I was still getting used to this feeling of looking at a boy and not growing cautious immediately. My body and mind were suddenly reacting opposite to the way they always had, and it was overwhelming.

And a little part of me, one that was slightly more petty, obstinate and wilful, was also bothered that he was my roommate, one I'd sworn not to get involved with and still had somehow managed to.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at him. It was infuriating how he was ever so quick and playful with the flirtatious things he said. But nothing I ever said flustered him because he always managed to turn it around to his own advantage.

"I never said I didn't like you." I mumbled quietly, fidgeting with my chopsticks as one of the servers chose that exact moment to arrive with our food.

"But you didn't say otherwise, either." Jungkook stated with a smirk once the server had left, our table now fully covered with an enormous spread of meat and other side dishes.

Straightening my back, I returned his smirk with a small smile and a meaningful look. "I thought whatever I said goes."

"It does." Jungkook chuckled, biting his lower lip.

"Exactly." I nodded, holding his gaze even though my lips threatened to break out in a grin anytime now. "I mean, you're free to not like me anymore if you want to, you know? If... this is annoying." I suggested in a nonchalant tone, pointing between us.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes at me. "Would it be too rude to tell you to shut up?"

To my absolute horror, I smiled cheekily. "Yes. Very." I told him with emphasis. "So don't you dare."

It was fun to have the upper hand with a guy for once. To know that he wasn't going anywhere, even though I wasn't exactly the dream girlfriend any red-blooded male would want.

"Of course." Jungkook responded graciously before leaning forward. "Though, you should know that the only thing annoying here is you worrying about who pays how much for the date when all I care about is eating this delicious food in front of me now and then, getting to kiss you later." He shot me a quick wink. "For dessert."

My cheeks heated up as our eyes locked, and somehow I knew that we were both thinking about the same thing.

Sweeter than sex.

Clearing my throat with more emphasis than necessary, I looked away to turn a couple of pieces of meat with my chopsticks. I needed to get my shit back together.

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